I'm going back to May 7/11 from when I started the official complaint to Wossner on the cr500 pistons also.
I was working direct with John Noonan
I also added more clearance than the box called for (btw, the old boxes show a tighter spec than the newer)
I ran the first one at .003" and stuck it, ran the same piston again, swiss cheesed with lube holes at .005". The afternoon that I stuck the first one I installed my spare cylinder with a vertex and ran it for a week or more, wfo. hillclimbs, bush, field and didnt fail it, eliminating exactly what I'd faught the wossner dudes about, the tune.
another engine I set it up at .0035", leary after the other sticking and stuck this one also.
during the time it took to get that motor installed i'd built a motor for a customer the same, .0035", he also stuck it.
I ran the .005" one in the winter, on the lake and stuck it once more, but i had a good reason for it that time

I got it back together at .006-.0065", (depending on where you measured it, it was pretty scarred up) and ran it another 10+ hours until i sunk the dome trying some evil ignition timing this spring.
I failed 6 pistons, some had an intake window cut, all had .020"-.022" ring end gap (these single ring ones need more)