A couple things:
1. Power Plus is a 100% synthetic manufactured by Manhattan Oil and it smells like cherry.
2. Castor is a big ol' no no unless you're tearing your stuff down after every race, the carbon build up on the powervalves and in the ring grooves is like diamond. It's that hard. The lubrication qualities of Castor based oils like Maxima 927 is no longer superior to non-castor oils. The synthetics and even semi-synthetics are better and cleaner burning than castor.
3. Maixma Super M is a low smoke, low ash, semi-synthetic that leaves no carbon in the cylinder, ring grooves, or power valves of any 2 stroke I've owned or torn down that runs it.
I'm not a big fan of the smell of burning oil 
I've always run Super Tech by Klotz which is 20% castor. Which seems to do fine, I have more "spooge" than say Bel Ray or Kawasaki. But, none the less, never had any problems with excessive carbon or chrystaling.
Stuff like Super M scare me, as I've never been easy on motors and do not rebuild as often as many, there for I've always run 32:1 in everything I've ever owned also using a castor based oils. I've 80% of the time used leaded gasoline. But, that depends on the bike, usally anything I own with a motor size of 250cc's and up. 125's can handle 93 pump and do it just fine.
I rebuild my 125s once a year at mininum, my 250's every other year, and my 500, I have yet to decide. So far, I've had no cold/hot seizures. The only problem I've run into with 125's is you have to rebuild the crank every so often, so I used to get Eric Gorr to rebuild the cranks with the motors, but now I just order new total cranks from wiseco with the rebuild.
All my bikes usally take a hell of a beating, but considering I can only ride one at a time, I usally just take groups out riding, who baby them, but I pick and choose which one I want to thrash every few days.

Mainly, lately, the 500.. Well, before my d**n break.
Maybe I'm just lucky to not worry about too much maintanance or maybe I'm just plain stupid. But castor so far has been decent for me. In which I g out riding with buddies, I usally use 2 quarts of oil, 10 gallons of race fuel, and about 5-10 gallons of 93, a week. If we are riding often. Which is about every week. So, I usally keep a huge stock of oil. So, I have about 5 gallons more of 2 stroke oil before I change, but I'm open to try new ideas, if anybody has any.