i have taken it up and down the street so far...lol i now know what you guys are talking about with the surging of power after full throttle. so from what i have read that means the jetting is close to where it needs to be...? something new to me that i will have to get used too. from what i have ridden on the bike the jetting seems good, love the 2 stroke throttle response, runs smooth and starts right up. i dont have my notebook with me, but i believe the main was a 168, i want to say the pilot was 58?? or at least near there, and clip is center of needle. the bike is bone stock, so its probably whatever it came with from the factory. i will have to search around here to see what i should be running for this elevation. any hot tips or setup advice? ive ordered fork seals, chain, and fork guards for it, so once i swap those out i will take it out to ride for real and see what it can really do. only bummer is the red sticker, D*#* you california!! so once im in "season" i will be riding as often as i can, and always looking for people to ride with.