Hey Guys,
I got a P.M. last night from a member who informed me of a timed ride He was going to run today and if I could "Witness" his away point. Oh Shoot! It was near midnight when I had checked the site and got the message...
Blue Oval Told me he was going to pert'neer pass by my front door some time tommorrow and head North on the 5 freeway for Yreka Ca. turn around and head home.
That would give him about 1100 miles round trip home.
He needed 1000 mi. and had 24hrs. to accomplish the ride.
That's what is called the Saddle Sore 1000 of The Iron Butt Association.
http://www.ironbutt.com/ridecerts/getdocument.cfm?DocId=1 I shot an E-mail and a PM to him with my Phone # and to call or text anytime day or night or if he needed anything, let me know, I would help.
I went nighty night and woke up at about 2:15am checked the mail for any news on the computor and low and behold I got a hit!
" I'm Leaving my house now, I'll call when I'm close, Ted." That E-mail was sent at 2:00 A.M.
I got a call around 11:00 AM "Hello, Rob?"
"Yea,! Holy Smoke (ha ha), , Ted?"
"Yea!, Hey, I'm in Yreka, I'm gonna top off my tank and head back for Mt Shasta"...
Well, I'll tell you what, Ted is one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet.
O.K. Yes, He was on a Honda, Gold wing in fact.
Beautiful Burgundy and Gold bike in wonderful shape.
For someone who just did 500 some odd miles he was in quite a pleasant attitude.
We talked a bit about bikes kids and some of the distance riding he had been doing and enjoyed so much.
I am so glad Ted got in touch with me and we had a chance to talk a bit.
I would encourage anyone travelling to take a minute and throw a line out to see if anyone is "On The Way"
Doesn't have to be any big deal, I met Ted at a Diner for a few minutes while he took a short break.
he night or day let me know if you need any assistance or just want to stop and try the Blackberry Pie.
I'm Just off the 5, Central Mt Shasta Exit, Northern California
Thanks Danger Dave, for keeping the site open,
and the oppertunity to meet great people from all over the world.