Author Topic: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor  (Read 3072 times)

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Offline snoopjonnyjon

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Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« on: June 23, 2011, 03:40:00 AM »
It might be unfounded concern... but I just don't like running my new RZ on the auto-lube alone. I've got Interceptor in the tank, and the bike just barely smokes. The motor revs more than a stocker... I'm spending a lot of time up around 9000-10,000 rpm. I can't help but think I should be running more il than the stock injection was intended for. I had thought of just eliminating the autolube, but I can't see that it is doing any harm. I'd like to continue running the autolube, and also run premix.

My question is... can I run Interceptor in the injection, and 927 Castor in the premix? Or would I be better to just eliminate the autolube if I am stuck on using castor. Right now I am using Interceptor in both autolube, and the premix... but I miss that castor smell  :-)


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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 05:59:39 AM »
If it's like my yamaha autolube bikes from that era...  You can adjust the autolube..  Crank her up..


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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 06:01:54 AM »
I like the auto lube as once it's right it works great..

You can fuel up while out and about..

And when you back off the throttle. And coast to a stop, or into a corner.. It's still oiling. Unlike premix..

Offline snoopjonnyjon

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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 07:00:06 AM »
That's why I don't really want to disable it. I really like that it is oiling during the overrun.

I believe it is adjustable, but haven't really found out how much range I have. I know there are larger gears available to run it faster.

I just worry that if fails, I'm not going to notice with these smokeless oils, and I'll seize it. At least if I have some 50:1, or even higher, premix in the tank, it isn't instant death. I would notice the oil level isn't dropping... and a tank full of "only" running 50:1 isn't going to hurt it much, if any.

... and I want the castor smell  :-D

Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 08:47:54 AM »

   Hey Snoop,
  Here's a gob of RZ/RD links I found. Some may be de funct account the site I got them from  :|
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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2011, 11:09:39 AM »
You really need to get in touch with Roger at Wicked. He has posted that he runs the Maxima 927 thru the pump, but dont take my word on that, call him.
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Offline snoopjonnyjon

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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 04:25:07 AM »
You're right. Roger swears by the stuff in the injector. That sure makes it easy. All I have to do is clean out my tank, and switch over.


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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 04:41:35 AM »
You're right. Roger swears by the stuff in the injector. That sure makes it easy. All I have to do is clean out my tank, and switch over.

 :| that goes against everything I have ever heard about Injection and 927  :|

Offline snoopjonnyjon

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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 06:14:51 AM »
Here's the response from Maxima that Roger posted.

Castor 927 poses (2) problems in an injector:

1. Castor based oils do not mix with many other types of oils. This can cause
miscibility issues in a sump.
2. Castor 927 is more viscous than a typical injector oil. Depending on how
efficient the oil pump is on your machine will have a bearing on whether the oil
is too thick and potentially causing a reduced flow rate and starvation. I know
on people that run 927 through injection systems with great luck, but I cannot
verify your oil pump capacity.

If you're currently running 927 in the injected RZ systems, then there's no need to
switch - you have the best stuff on Earth!

All the best and thanks for running Maxima!!

Danny Massie
Maxima Racing Oils I ProFilter
9266 Abraham Way, Santee, CA 92071 USA
P 619.449.5000 I F 619.449.9694

It sounds like I need to clean out the old oil out of the tank before I put in any 927. I'll probably run a little premix through the first while until I can determine the amount the pump is actually supplying. I'd rather have too much oil than too little.

Offline Big Yac

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Re: Injecting Interceptor, premixing 927 Castor
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2011, 02:36:13 AM »
if you want to inject castor, Blendzall has an oil called Ultra Racing Castor I believe which is safe for injection systems.  Check out there site here: