Author Topic: 2012 KX450F  (Read 5802 times)

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Offline DoldGuy

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2012 KX450F
« on: June 22, 2011, 02:55:36 PM »
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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 09:15:57 AM »
liking the continuation of the seat to the rad covers nice lines !!

Offline 1989kawasaki

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 09:46:46 AM »
liking the continuation of the seat to the rad covers nice lines !!

me too!  8-)

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 12:48:37 PM »
The mapping is getting so cool  :mrgreen: In the near future it will order pizza and record your favorite TV show .  :lol:
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Offline BigGreenBeast

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2012, 12:40:00 PM »
I took the plunge and got a new 2012 KX450F.  Great machine from what the reviews and comparisons I've read say.

Offline sandblaster

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2012, 02:22:48 PM »
Give us a thorough review.
One of our affiliates is wanting to get a 2012
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Offline BigGreenBeast

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2012, 02:22:26 PM »
I haven't ridden motocross bikes in years, and Ive only gotten the chance to barely get this one through the break in period.

But, even given my limited pure motocross bike experience, I can say:

This bike's power is amazing.  I first ran it the initial 20 minutes with the *moderate* fuel connector, and then changed to the *full power* connector. And I can say the difference is very noticable, right away.  It has such impressive power, even from the very bottom end, and you can't help but grin from ear to ear the first time it starts pulling with such force.  Pulls like a ****ing mule and even though I haven't had it wide open yet, I already have seen that its gonna be like a rocket once it is fully broken in and ready to run wide open.  I did get it to about 3/4 throttle, and couldn't believe the power and speed it has. And now that  its broken in and with the fresh oil change, and with the rings now fully seated, the next time I ride it, it may have a bit more power.

 I have learned that these modern, fuel injected four strokes are on par with the two strokes.  I am obviously not experienced nor knowlegeable enough to speak on the torque output through the stages of the RPM range, so I won't even try........(LOL)  I do think this bike would stay with, if not out run, the legendary KX500. But that's just my opinion, and is from not having but ** very**  limted experience on only a couple KX500s.  So take that opinion for what its worth.

The shifting is super smooth and it was so easy to shift even fast as hell and bearing down on it.

The weight is not what you'd think a big 450 would be like. Handles very  easy and is manuevered very well. But I need to adjust my suspension cause it was shaking the s**t outta me on the rough terrain I was breaking it in on. A change in the suspension will cure that, though.

And it has adjustable footpegs and bars to alter it to the most comfort for the individual.

The changable the fuel connector feature is nice, but an ordinary joe like me wouldn't use it much. I want it full power, with no need to change it.  But for  serious racers, I bet it'd be  a very useful feature for getting the most outta the bike on various track conditions.

Not used the *quick launch* feature yet, and doubt I will need it.  But again, I bet a full blown racer would really benefit from it.

  Love the looks of it, as well. So much so, that I know I'm gonna be devastated when it gets some normal riding scratches that I can't rub off.   LOL

Overall, its an amazing bike in every aspect.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 03:37:06 PM by BigGreenBeast »

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2012, 02:29:49 PM »
Some shots of my new bike.

Offline KXDINO

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2012, 06:36:11 PM »
As good as kx450 12/13 are ,they still cant get a fresh k5 on grippy smooth straight.Where you can get power to the ground.But if ground is slippery ,rough expect 450 to do it? The 450 is much easier to ride ,but i like to see kawi lose some weight on the 450,s.We have done heaps of back to back test with these models and that what we have found .If it green it great.

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Re: 2012 KX450F
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2012, 02:33:09 AM »
we picked up our 13 a few weeks ago, slimmed it down some from the 12 or at least it feels thinner. super light feeling. I get mine in the crate, and when it came out the forks were flat, meaningthey were completely compressed, 35 psi of air later and it was a full height, might be a concern. Had my dealer order me two sets of fork seals just in case, he figured he should order some as well, mine showed up, he only got 1 set the rest were back ordered. Motor wise the 13 is not as strong as the 12, kawi changed the intake cam in 12 and increased the lift by .4mm in 13 they decreased lift by .4mm. I was working on some mapping changes yesterday, the kawi tool is great, not only can you change fueling you  can change timing, and these things can be done anywhere in the rpm range. they defineately do not have the brute power of the k5 but are much easier to ride and are wayyyy better suspended.

All in all I think it is going to be a fun bike.
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