Well, First ride report: Bike is unbelivably powefull, nice smooth power, handles well at speeds (I was a little worried about that) front end pushes in corners. I was too anxious to set sag, so thats probably whats up with that. Flies well, feels lite in the air. The bike will definitally make you think twice about pulling the trigger out of the corners. This bike will eat my 2011 YZ450F for breakfast. No doubt, no contest. The bike is definatly going to be a handfull on a tight track, thares no doubt about that. It is a beast. My wife was at the track and asked me later if that was me yelling and hooting every once and a while. I couldnt contain myself. wheelies easily. Too easily as I was to find out later. Heres the damage. looped it in third gear. Ripped rear fender off. landed on the left side. Of course thats the side with the vounerable pipe and custom fabbed radiator:( Its allways something! One hour on the bike two weeks in the garage repairing it. I need my head examined, or maybe not!