Author Topic: Service Honda KX500AF  (Read 14870 times)

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Offline alanj490

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Service Honda KX500AF
« on: June 13, 2011, 05:21:34 PM »
I have been looking through the posts you guys have been hard at work making your own 500AF conversions. I was told of the Service Honda KX500AF bike from my local Kawasaki dealer this thing uses a 2011 KX250F Chassis complete with some special motor work to the KX500 motor.
Its quite pricey if you have nothing and they build one for you, somewhere around $11,500.00. Has anyone heard or had any experience with this companies bikes? I got some info from them to where I can get one done with my motor for $8,200.00. Alot more fun than a new KTM and cheaper. :-o

Offline gwcrim

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2011, 11:56:50 PM »
Service Honda and Kawasaki produces first class equipment.  Talk to AJ, he's their go to guy.
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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2011, 04:03:12 AM »
Service Has Quality Stuff...............$11,500 for a ALL NEW MOTOR............or $8200 for an ALL NEW yourself a favor & beg, borrow, sale to find the $3300. If you price out some of the parts on the K5 motor you will EASILY exceed the $3300 difference.

Just my $.02 worth.
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Offline kxpegger

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 06:34:07 AM »
I bought one in "09" but was able to get it with the "08" 450 chassis. Bike has been great so far!
North Las Vegas

"05" RMZ450, "08" KX500AF "11" KTM 450SX-F "12" KTM 250SX "15" KTM450SX-F

Offline livenlife699

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2011, 10:36:02 AM »
$3300 for all new motor? Not worth it considering 2 strokes are so simple and you can buy a 2011 kx450 or 250f engine for $3000...I would rebuild the motor once the right way and ride the piss out of it! Also you say $8200 for all new chassis.. but what about the $3000 engine you now have left sitting to sell......Just something to think about

Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2011, 02:00:40 PM »
$3300 for all new motor? Not worth it considering 2 strokes are so simple and you can buy a 2011 kx450 or 250f engine for $3000...I would rebuild the motor once the right way and ride the piss out of it! Also you say $8200 for all new chassis.. but what about the $3000 engine you now have left sitting to sell......Just something to think about

Not trying to throw stones here but, rebuild it right? Have you priced the key components on these motors? You would be LUCKY to rebuild it right for 3K. Just ask Rooster!
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Offline kaw rider

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2011, 02:22:58 PM »
8200 for a service honda kx500 af with your motor. you dont get the 450 motor for that price.

Offline ToomanyKaws

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2011, 02:53:04 PM »
I would rather start out with a new engine.   No matter how people try with a rebuild.   It will cost more than $3300 plus to equal a mew motor.


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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2011, 05:22:43 PM »
$3300 for all new motor? Not worth it considering 2 strokes are so simple and you can buy a 2011 kx450 or 250f engine for $3000...I would rebuild the motor once the right way and ride the piss out of it! Also you say $8200 for all new chassis.. but what about the $3000 engine you now have left sitting to sell......Just something to think about

Not trying to throw stones here but, rebuild it right? Have you priced the key components on these motors? You would be LUCKY to rebuild it right for 3K. Just ask Rooster!

HAHAHA   or ask me how much I have in mine...   
So far, since I have owned it... it has cost me... (math time)
$683.5374  per Gallon of fuel burned.....    this only counts buying the bike, and motor work,   not carbs, reeds, hoses, tires, etc.... just INSIDE the motor work...

Offline livenlife699

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 05:25:40 AM »
when you guys are talking rebuild...Did you drop it in salt water and recover it weeks later? If so 3k can cover just about everything you need if so lol

Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2011, 10:30:07 AM »
when you guys are talking rebuild...Did you drop it in salt water and recover it weeks later? If so 3k can cover just about everything you need if so lol

Go price a set of cases & a crank and let us know how that works out!......... and that is just a start on what most of these need. :|
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Offline livenlife699

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 10:46:42 AM »
when you guys are talking rebuild...Did you drop it in salt water and recover it weeks later? If so 3k can cover just about everything you need if so lol

Go price a set of cases & a crank and let us know how that works out!......... and that is just a start on what most of these need. :|

I just think there is to many people on here trying to score brownie points with a certain company and not giving information that they've actually aquired from experience lol I am well aware of the cost, as i've built 3 kx500 engine already adding up no were near that number and built many other bikes. I was just giving an honest opinion, Cylinder $600 crank $500 cases $500...Unless you are an idiot and do not maintain your engine of course you run the risk of serious engine failure but of all you guys on here when your bike goes its typically what? Piston kit siezed, Reeds are shot, Gear or 2 are blown... But everything all together going at once to make a Guy order $3000+ in parts in not Typical in anyway. I race the A class/Expert and in all of my years racing/riding had that happen..Why? I service my bikes and they run how they should. Service Honda is great and Im not bashing them in anyway just giving my honest opinion on building one.

Offline kaw rider

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2011, 12:54:10 PM »
the guys that are spending 2-3k around getting there dollars worth for the most part. there motors will have better machine work then the pos factory work and will have all the current updates to make the motor better then the way it came from factory. can you freshen up a good motor for 1k yes, but all of the k5 i have apart before they need good money in parts.

Offline 81cr450

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2011, 12:58:56 PM »
I'm in the middle of a build right now & I think a few cost's werent included in your qoute , so heres the change order
Powervalve set  $400
bearings $250?
seals & gaskets $50
Piston $200
Balance work $250? so it dont tear the case to crap again, intake boot $100 cause you dont wanna use the, 6year old at best, cracked one & chance sucking dirt or running lean, having your dome cut $150 while your apart, you want thermal coating on the piston crown, antifriction on the sides, total seal rings, etc....
My motor was junk, needed everything but the trans, & I might be sorry on that. I think the $3000 grand for new is a great deal for most guys, how many cherry cores are really left.
The conflict here is the custom built aspect will cost more than that $3000, reengineering what was done wrong in the first place takes hours & hours of skilled labor. If you have a motor built by someone whos reputable & knows these bikes I'd stick with it. Rebuilding it right being the key. Theres alot of details that really can be improved on v.s. just slapping new parts together.

I'd buy a new 450 sell the motor send them the just frame to mod & be money ahead though, most anyone can swap their own motor in & out with basic hand tools if you arent tearing the insides apart  
if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

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Offline Green Fiend

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Re: Service Honda KX500AF
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2011, 11:50:42 AM »
I just got my 2011 Service Kawasaki the other day. It is a badass bike. you are right, they are pricey. The best part of the bike is that service has done hundreds if not thousands of these bikes. Thier attention to detail shows that. I would rather them learn from thier mistakes than me. They race a few of these bikes and know what works and what doesnt. These bikes have been tested. I did alot of research before i bought mine. With the porting, the Rad valve, and the suspension revalving, it is a well balanced beast. Im sure it can be done cheaper. My understanding is that these bikes hold there value well. Well see. Was it expensive? Yes. In my opinion was it worth it? Hell Yes. I'm not trying to throw in a sales pitch by any stretch of the imagination. The communication wasnt the best in the build process. But the finished product and the support from service and MX suspension has been good. So far.
2011 Service KX500AF, 2005 KX250, 2004 KX500, 2011 YZF450, 2011 KTMSX50 Mini, 2009 ZX10R