Author Topic: AMRAGolf Tourney ***IMPORTANT CHANGE***  (Read 3266 times)

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« on: June 15, 2004, 12:43:47 PM »
By now everyone should have heard about the super cool new race series planned in Arizona for 05 and beyond. It's modeled after MRAN in Nevada and District 38 in Cali. We are AMA sanctioned (district 31) and are holding our first race in November. It's a club style format with 7 clubs in the works right now. I'm VP of the Rock Stars MC in the east valley. Well we are having a fund raiser Golf Tourney planned for July 10th in Casa Grande Az. Get all the details at It's a 4 man scramble format, but if you don't have a foursome don't worry there are a lot of people that will be stragglers looking for partners.

Come on Paul, I'll let you win for once :wink:

Hope to see everyone there.  
David Gronlund

I almost forgot to mention that being a good golfer is not a requirement. We are all just a bunch of dirt bike riders that don't even know what end of a club to hold. It's more about raising money for potentionally the best thing to happen to dirt bike racing in Arizona EVER and to make new friends in the sport along the way. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and make some contacts all at the same time enjoying a few cool ones. Golfing on a cool course is just an added bonus to the day. Did I mention raffle prizes, closest to the pin, long drive, and O/A prizes???

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Re: AMRA Racing Golf Tourney
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2004, 12:45:04 PM »
Quote from: El_Gato

Come on Paul, I'll let you win for once :wink:


Offline Ramski

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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2004, 07:14:41 PM »
Man, I am so glad to see Arizona get this thing going. A pat on the back to all those involved in getting it up and running. Arizona is prime country for great racing. I loved the time I had there on the trails. Hopefully, I'll maybe get out there again someday soon.
Danny Lesovsky


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« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2004, 03:31:06 AM »
I don't think anybody realized how much work is involved in this thing, and we've just begun touching the surface. I thought we could throw a bunch of guys together and have a club. Todd Johnson has been working hard on our club (Rock Stars MC) and we're only two documents away from being a AMA chartered promoting club. Should be final this week.

Anybody have any questions or want to join up check out Our club is an East Valley club, you can reach us at if thats where your at and you want a piece of the action. There are other clubs in West Valley, Tucson, Prescott, and others if thats where you want to be. Send me and email and I'll direct you in the right place.

Thanks Paul for letting me advertise here. See you on the trails.
Later, David Gronlund
VP Rock Stars M.C.

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« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2004, 05:31:20 AM »
No problem Dave, hopefully this thing takes off and there can be more races like ADRA had, and less races like Whiplash has ;)


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« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2004, 05:16:11 PM »
Just a little reminder and appetizer, If you can't get the money in on time at least reserve a spot. If we give the course a number the day before the tourney and more show up we may not be able to get you in. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE DAY OF THE TOURNEY TO SIGN UP, IT WILL BE TO LATE. Get your entrees at They are in a PDF format so you just print it out and mail it in. I am not worried about having enough people to fill spots, I'm worried about people showing up and not being able to golf. We will have to also cut off the mail in entrees to the sunday before the tourney because it takes a few days for the mail to get in and if we don't have it in our hands two days before we can't just take your word you sent it. Send me an email at or Todd Johnson and email at (fixed 6/23) for questions or reservations.

As I'm typing I'm looking around my office thats full of boxes of goodies like Tires, various oils, all different kinds of tools, hats, goggles, a cool Moto Boss stand, drink pack, straps, grips, lubes, fanny pack just to name a few. We still have a ton of stuff promised that we will be picking up later this week and next week. I also have 30 certificates for the first 30 entrees to Cycle Gear for %15 off any purchase. If you need a set of boots and a helmet the discount will pay for your golf entry. Not a bad deal.

Also we will be raffling off the number one plates for next years series. the 40+ expert has is up to $250 so far. I've got $50.00 on the 30+ class. I can't win one so I might as well buy one


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« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2004, 01:48:04 PM »
The date is the same, July 10th. The cost is the same, $40.00 per person but we had to move the location to just a few miles away and lunch will be included in the cost now!!! Besides the meal there just wasn't enough room to facilitate our needs that was indoors. It's hot out there and we need to be able to get indoors and cool off without having to move to a restaraunt or some other place in the same day to do the raffle and prizes. The previous location was a nice place, but just din't fit all of our needs. Sorry for any inconvienance.

The New location is at the Mission Royale Golf Course just off of I-10 on 287. It's the course you can see from the freeway (east side) right in Casa Grande across the freeway from the Cracker Barrel, not to be confused with the course in Eloy. They will serve lunch (hotdogs, hamburgers, etc), one non alchoholic drink, and tea and lemonade per participant. You will have to buy any other drink at the bar. For golf entrees we can only handle cash or checks payable to AMRA. You can use your debit at the bar, but not for anything related to the tourney.

Mission Royale Golf Club
11 south Mission Parkway, Building #1
Casa Grande Az 85222

A few reminders to participants. Proper golf dress attire is required, collared shirt, no jeans or tees etc.

Please pass on any and all of this to people you have talked and invited. We are only able to communicate to the core group. We need every ones help on this.


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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2004, 02:32:26 PM »
DO NOT mail in any entrees for next weekends Golf Tournament past this point. They may not make it in time and we can not take anybody's word for that they sent it in and it didn't show in time. If we don't have an entry and money in our hands the day of the tourney you have to pay again or not golf. If your mailed entree shows up later then we will refund it. If you stiff us with an entry it will come out of our pockets. Abviously that would defeat the porpuse of having a Fund Raiser.

We are a non-profit orginization so nobody is pocketing any money. All proceeds go into the orginization and putting on races.

If you still want to play and haven't got an entree or reserved a spot you will now have to email me at or Todd Johnson at

Good stuff is still coming in. I just received a pair of premier tickets to the Diamondbacks vs the Dodgers on ther lower deck. Don't know how we are going to give those out but we will. Either part of the raffle or an auction.

I almost forgot. We will NOT and cannot except debit or credit cards for entrees. We are not set up for that. You will be paying us not the golf course. They have nothing to do with entrees. BRING CASH!!!!