Author Topic: The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway  (Read 3159 times)

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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« on: June 23, 2004, 12:55:17 PM »
I heard from a very reliable source today that the famous Carlsbad Raceway in San Diego county is in the final stages of escrow.  Everyone knew that the days were numbered here, but this news is just another step closer to then end.  Nobody knows yet what the new owner, if escrow closes, intends to do with the facility in the near term.  The future is so uncertain they publish practice dates on a week to week basis.  If you want to get one last ride at this famous, great facility...  you better strap on your hat and get out there.  

My guess is that the new owner may allow the existing operator to keep his month to month lease while plans are made for the property.  I can tell you this.  With property values here in the coastal communities of Northern San Diego County, I can't imagine that the new owner intends to keep the track there very long.  Who knows, just thought I would fill in those who might be interested.



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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 05:47:41 AM »
Now that place reminds me of "the good old days" when there was a 500 class!I would wait all year to watch the only moto cross on TV as a kid on a "13 black and white because are color TV didnt pick up channel 7.The USGP was the biggest and badest!500's works bikes,and the USA against the world!I wonder if theres a way to get those old Carlsbad USGP Wide World of Sports races on DVD?I hear this is the last year for Mammoth Mtn. also,were loseing a lot of great tracks!


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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2004, 01:01:29 PM »
Well, took the 500 for a ride out at Carlsbad Raceway last Saturday on the Upper Vet Track.  It was a great time if you enjoy arm pump from hell.  Now this is my first time on a track with this bike and I have to give a ton of respect to those guys who used to race these beasts around these little tracks.  They must have nailed their asses to the seat and taped their hands to the grips just to save their arms.  The funny thing is that I was only able to complete about 5 laps at a time before I was whooped physically.  Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to get rid of that flywheel weight.  Anyways, it was a great time.  The new news out there is that the current track operator has a guarantee through September.  A portion of the property has been sold and while it does not affect the land that the tracks are on, the construction will affect the utilities supplying the track such as water and electricity.  Supposedly they are making arrangements for that so get your fill while you can.


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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2004, 09:41:17 AM »
That really sucks!!! Looks as if our sport will once again be lessened by the growth of housing developements and strip malls. I sure am glad that I got over there a few ago and did the Carlsbad GP. That was a lot of fun, especially the drag strip. That place will definately be remembered as one of the sports greatest contributions. I hope they at least put up a monument somewhere before they mow it over if thats what they plan on doing.


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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2004, 01:24:34 PM »
Well, Carlsbad Raceway sits on prime real-estate about 7 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean.  It is one of a very few un-developed properties in that area.  Honestly, I don't blame the owner for selling considering he'll be able to setup about 3 family generations with the proceeds from that sale !!


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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2004, 06:48:45 PM »
Moto Cross is family!


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The end is here Part II... Carlsbad Raceway
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2004, 05:29:34 AM »
I think i heard it sold for 20 or 21 million.