Author Topic: HELP w assembly  (Read 31593 times)

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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2012, 03:42:55 PM »
Flat .000 using the .020 kawasaki base gasket

Didnt get a chance to get the dome cc today had to pull 2 cr500 motors after work. Ughhh I'm getting old
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 03:45:07 PM by 81cr450 »
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2012, 12:24:08 PM »
Called Pinsonnault today 12.5:1 & 7.5:1     93-100 octane
Good call GREENKAW24
 A stock motor is 7.4:1 so it should be okay, was also said. He couldnt give me the dome cc though?
 I think I'm just gonna do the 50/50 pump / avgas mix . Best just to have it run right , might get rode a little less though.

Just did some reading on avgas & found a good article
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 01:43:11 PM by 81cr450 »
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« Reply #47 on: January 05, 2012, 03:09:57 AM »
How can they tell you all that and not tell you the head CC?

I have been bit by head CC before...

wanted 40CC..     ran bike, was down on power from where I thoguht it should be.. ended up being at 46cc..

Yea.. thats only like.. A TON OF COMPRESSION POINTS differance...

when you get up in the Big bore motors.. it really matters..

40cc to 42cc is the differance between 15:1 and 13:1  (once again going off my bad memory here)

Offline GREENKAW24

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« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2012, 12:07:40 PM »
I am the one you called. You gave me a cc number of 47cc, I figured you meant the net cc when the top end is assembled? In that case it would be the 12.6 to 1/7.4 to 1 ratios, if the 47cc was just in the head, I would have needed to know your deck height, gasket thickness, and step depth to find your net cc from the 47, and your compression ratios would be different.

Offline GREENKAW24

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« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2012, 12:10:10 PM »
How can they tell you all that and not tell you the head CC?

I have been bit by head CC before...

wanted 40CC..     ran bike, was down on power from where I thoguht it should be.. ended up being at 46cc..

Yea.. thats only like.. A TON OF COMPRESSION POINTS differance...

when you get up in the Big bore motors.. it really matters..

40cc to 42cc is the differance between 15:1 and 13:1  (once again going off my bad memory here)

40cc would be 13.5 to 1, and 42cc would be 12.9 to 1. (Stock KX500) Compression ratios don't change as drastic for every cc when you get to the big motors.

2cc difference on a 125 can change 2 whole points.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 12:15:16 PM by GREENKAW24 »


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« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2012, 12:25:35 PM »
How can they tell you all that and not tell you the head CC?

I have been bit by head CC before...

wanted 40CC..     ran bike, was down on power from where I thoguht it should be.. ended up being at 46cc..

Yea.. thats only like.. A TON OF COMPRESSION POINTS differance...

when you get up in the Big bore motors.. it really matters..

40cc to 42cc is the differance between 15:1 and 13:1  (once again going off my bad memory here)

40cc would be 13.5 to 1, and 42cc would be 12.9 to 1. (Stock KX500) Compression ratios don't change as drastic for every cc when you get to the big motors.

2cc difference on a 125 can change 2 whole points.

I ment CC changes alot when you go from 86mm bore to 90mm bore...   changes comp ratio... alot...

Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #51 on: January 05, 2012, 01:18:52 PM »
Piston Dome cc's guys sorry for any confusion. I asked for piston dome cc so I could use the calculator Motorrad posted & just figure it myself. It was the only spec I was short. Where the piston isnt a true flattop.

47cc head chamber is what I ended up with, for 550cc's of motor.
4-5 degree squish angle. .039 squish including the gasket
.000 deck using the .020 factory base gasket.

So Todd's initial quote is good
12.5:1 & 7.5:1     93-100 octane

The pump here only spits out 91 octane, not 93. I believe due to elevation. With 93-100, 93 is bottom of the spec & the 91 at the pump is probably not gonna cut it.
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2012, 06:47:22 AM »
Here are couple pics of assembly. I have a set of old school head porting stands that work pretty good to hold the case while its loaded. A pic of why I dont like the plastic case bearing on the clutch mainshaft  & a pic of the pinned type that should be used. Also a shot on using a half sealed bearing on the sprocket side of the case to help keep the poo out, & oil in.


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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2012, 06:52:35 AM »
The rings your piston comes with is kinda what your stuck with but this type is the best as it captures the alignment pins so the cant come out

Also had to recess the powervalve access plate screws to clear the frame. The screws that hold the rear brake guide on the K5 worked perfect
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Re: HELP w assembly
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2012, 12:37:58 PM »
Mommy  :-o

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Offline 81cr450

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Re: HELP w assembly
« Reply #55 on: March 29, 2012, 03:06:43 PM »
Man really blew me away today. Takes a bit to process. Its together, first ride today. I wanna say it's to much, definetly not a track bike. Just  "snappy" bap shift bap shift then you hit 3rd & it starts pulling & will really wind up but its so quick 4th's gone you hit 5th & ready to shift into 6th, if you have the room. No 6th wtf, your looking around at this point & just crapping cause you gotta slow down for a turn with out enough room. Geared at 15 / 47 & will take more. The pipe is sposed to be topend but this thing just kills it in bottom end. 1st is useless second can work but your powervalves aint even on yet , 3rd's the hook. d**n.... a well built 550 is useless on the track, it just revs too quick scared of looping ,even rolling on. Who ever figured this as a topend pipe, I thought I might have a dog down low. I rode for 30 minutes on tight slow just amazed @ the hit, then went to my fire road & realized I was only using half of what it has. Sounds weird too, in a good way, the exhaust is REALLY working with the set up. You can use that bottom end & never hear the silencer but when the wave overcomes the pipe you hear the silencer kick in just as the powervalves open . The hottest big bore 2 stroke I've ridden to date. Temps were excellent I could touch the lower second side radiator , so I still have leaning to do.
2 Negatives, vf3's, the flutter aint working to potential up top. Thanks Dave for the direction on this, less petal & bitch for vf2's. The white plastic is the second, I rode it to work at lunch d**n near ate crap unprotected on the pavement rolled on in second around a corner & it said RESPECT. So I've been working on diesel motors at work & the black oil that had transfered to my pant transfered to the plastic & looks like dump already. 1 ride uggghh , but mostly schwing. I'll fill in the radiator fitting & kicker when I get off of this in a bit. Time to ride. 
if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

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Re: HELP w assembly
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2012, 03:17:35 PM »
Man really blew me away today. Takes a bit to process. Its together, first ride today. I wanna say it's to much, definetly not a track bike. Just  "snappy" bap shift bap shift then you hit 3rd & it starts pulling & will really wind up but its so quick 4th's gone you hit 5th & ready to shift into 6th, if you have the room. No 6th wtf, your looking around at this point & just crapping cause you gotta slow down for a turn with out enough room. Geared at 15 / 47 & will take more. The pipe is sposed to be topend but this thing just kills it in bottom end. 1st is useless second can work but your powervalves aint even on yet , 3rd's the hook. d**n.... a well built 550 is useless on the track, it just revs too quick scared of looping ,even rolling on. Who ever figured this as a topend pipe, I thought I might have a dog down low. I rode for 30 minutes on tight slow just amazed @ the hit, then went to my fire road & realized I was only using half of what it has. Sounds weird too, in a good way, the exhaust is REALLY working with the set up. You can use that bottom end & never hear the silencer but when the wave overcomes the pipe you hear the silencer kick in just as the powervalves open . The hottest big bore 2 stroke I've ridden to date. Temps were excellent I could touch the lower second side radiator , so I still have leaning to do.
2 Negatives, vf3's, the flutter aint working to potential up top. Thanks Dave for the direction on this, less petal & bitch for vf2's. The white plastic is the second, I rode it to work at lunch d**n near ate crap unprotected on the pavement rolled on in second around a corner & it said RESPECT. So I've been working on diesel motors at work & the black oil that had transfered to my pant transfered to the plastic & looks like dump already. 1 ride uggghh , but mostly schwing. I'll fill in the radiator fitting & kicker when I get off of this in a bit. Time to ride. 

Did you degree the motor?  what port timings are you running? (if you dont want it spread all over the net... Pm em to me.. Id appriciate it)..

Glad to hear its working awesome!.

whats your jetting?

No matter what you do to those V3's... they SUCK ASS..   

I was amazed how tight the piston is down in the case..     Definatly couldnt go to 91mm without boring out the cases...

Offline 81cr450

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Re: HELP w assembly
« Reply #57 on: April 03, 2012, 12:26:10 PM »
Anybody know of a cheap/easy temp guage. The jetting on this is got me wanting to go leaner than I'm comfortable with so I'm thinking that I better get a temp reading to be sure. I usually just run what the book calls for for my elevation & like it but this is loading up on the pilot & I'm one size smaller pilot than usual with the air screw out all the way. If someone felt like explaining the reasoning behind big bores like leaner jetting I'm all ears. Thanks for the help in advance
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Offline alward25

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Re: HELP w assembly
« Reply #58 on: April 03, 2012, 01:09:18 PM »
Trail Tech!!!
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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: HELP w assembly
« Reply #59 on: April 03, 2012, 03:07:15 PM »
Anybody know of a cheap/easy temp guage. The jetting on this is got me wanting to go leaner than I'm comfortable with so I'm thinking that I better get a temp reading to be sure. I usually just run what the book calls for for my elevation & like it but this is loading up on the pilot & I'm one size smaller pilot than usual with the air screw out all the way. If someone felt like explaining the reasoning behind big bores like leaner jetting I'm all ears. Thanks for the help in advance

Most Big Bores are just that.....Bigger Bores, with no other changes which will increase the vacuum signal (suction) on the carburetor. So using the same carb the motor can & will suck more fuel thru the same size jet, thus making the bike run richer & leads to "Big Bores liking leaner jetting".
I hope this simplified explanation answers your question.
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