Author Topic: HELP w assembly  (Read 31587 times)

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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2011, 05:05:37 PM »
I'd really like to show some riding pics as I live in 500 land. My wheels also arent trick just an 84 yz490 rear rim & a 89 cr 500 front. The 84 yz rear rim is 32 spoke & 2 1/2 inch, I shouldnt share that but O well. I also got rid of the cheasy plastic cased clutch shaft bearing with a factory honda steel cased bearing, & I'm trying a half sealled bearing on the sprocket side of the case to try to help keep out debris, I popped the seal out of the trans side & left the seal in the counter shaft seal side
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Offline 454SS

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« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2011, 03:24:26 AM »
Is that a gen2 frame?  Even so, I'm surprised the kx motor fits so closely.  Should be a nice handler. Good luck!  (Good you didn't convert the old alu frame)

Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2011, 06:29:59 AM »
Yeah its a 2001 gen2. The k5 case is like an inch shorter than the CR5, which is part of what makes this do-able. You also get alot better power too  :mrgreen: 

Just a couple pics here to show what I mean by flat spring to clear the frame. It still needs to be cut to length but it makes a clearer illustration.

Theres a pic to show how close it gets to the frame on the powervalve access, also it shows how I made the spring hook eyes into spring hook ears. I grooved the back side of the ears with a dremel to keep the spring from sliding off.

The tail of the pipe need a little bend & the arrow it pointing at the joint that needed bending the arrow is also pointing the dirrection I had to bend it.

The kicker pics illustrate yet again one of the poorest parts of an af build with the k5 motor. It needs more of a cr500 bend like they did with the advancement of the lowpipe in 1989 , the k5 stuck with the high pipe clear through 2004 so the kicker is just not ideal. I'm gonna use an old forged steel kdx420 kicker & hopefully I can bend it to fit without weakening it to the point I end up with it sticking through my calf muscle.

Also notice the fliped water outlet, pretty standard AF fare.

Mod's sorry for all the pics, if its a waste of space feel free to delete or edit as you see fit
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Offline 454SS

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« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2011, 11:35:22 AM »
That's a tight fit!  The honda guys will go as far as clearancing the 'Y' by grinding some alu out of the crotch of the 'Y'.  Some of the stuff they do to make the motor fit seems scary but who knows. 
I thought that was a pic of your hand and thought, cool, the guy's missing fingers and can still fab the bike.  Then i noticed it's one of those Dr Evil pets! :-D

Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2011, 03:01:15 PM »
No I'm "barely" skilled enough to fab with all my fingers, not like the awesome Dude with no arms who can change his own brakes.
Her name's Peaches & she is a whole lotta help. Hard not to get a pic of anything around here without a couple sphynx investigating what your doing. I had to hide my new tall seat cause they thought it was for them to sharpen their claws on  :evil: little demons 
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2011, 01:03:33 PM »
I ended up doing more powdercoating than anything last weekend. I did manage to get the new rear pipe mount made & tacked on as well as the head pipe tacked too. Another demonstration of tac first, fit, then cut off, re-tac, refit. Just glad it wasnt more than a tac as the rear mount needs to be clocked a little. All in all happy as the spring clears the frame good   
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2011, 03:55:09 PM »
Got a pic or 2, can you tell whats missing. Been 6 1/2 months waiting on a recoat and head cut & some parts. SICK of waiting when thats the first stuff I sent out. But I did get back a "nice" case. I added some jb weld thinking it might strengthen  & dampen the side of the crank that shows the most bearing wear on the cases & crank.  I also got the measurments doing the 3rd case cut & the swinger bolt size. I used a .658 drill bit for the hole & then hone it with a sunnen rod hone to get a final size of .665 on the rear swinger bolt. I've heard you can kill alot of af vibes here by keeping the size tight. the final width of the case comes in at 3.320 with .255 coming off the sprocket side & .115 coming off the clutch side. I will epoxy the dead space in the rear of the case to help strengthen it as well as prevent leaks. I didnt go through on either case so it should still be quite solid so no worries on the case in the rear, but if your anal you can epoxy in extra material like an old wrist pin for more support. Thats what I did on the first bike but I really think its okay without. I'd also like to add I'm a sucky welder, but the pipe does fit & I'll have more pics of it when I have a motor.   
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2011, 01:18:54 PM »
This is my broke time of year & I got held up with the motor over the summer, so put me on the fast track to a slow build. :-D I did end up with a 90mm bore cylinder back from the motor mess, but no head so I have a hang up there. I did come up with a cherry 2004 std cylinder in the meantime though. What I'd like some input on is, are 90mm bores bad, or should I send off my std bore jug & just replate it. Some of the guys I've talked to think the 90mm might be  :roll: questionable. Im sure I could sell it & get my stock jug plated, I'm just curious if its a bad call or should I use it. Either way I'm still short a head but I'm kinda wondering which jug to get rid of. I also have a sleeved 87.5mm jug with a good used 88mm piston I could use too,525  :evil:, but I wanna stick with the nikasil for longevity.

As the title states HELP
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« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2011, 12:43:51 AM »
This is my broke time of year & I got held up with the motor over the summer, so put me on the fast track to a slow build. :-D I did end up with a 90mm bore cylinder back from the motor mess, but no head so I have a hang up there. I did come up with a cherry 2004 std cylinder in the meantime though. What I'd like some input on is, are 90mm bores bad, or should I send off my std bore jug & just replate it. Some of the guys I've talked to think the 90mm might be  :roll: questionable. Im sure I could sell it & get my stock jug plated, I'm just curious if its a bad call or should I use it. Either way I'm still short a head but I'm kinda wondering which jug to get rid of. I also have a sleeved 87.5mm jug with a good used 88mm piston I could use too,525  :evil:, but I wanna stick with the nikasil for longevity.

As the title states HELP

what reasons are they giving for the 90 being questionable..

(besides the thing I know is wrong with your cyl... that was supposed to get fixed, and didnt)

Offline DoldGuy

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« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2011, 03:33:37 AM »
This is my broke time of year & I got held up with the motor over the summer, so put me on the fast track to a slow build. :-D I did end up with a 90mm bore cylinder back from the motor mess, but no head so I have a hang up there. I did come up with a cherry 2004 std cylinder in the meantime though. What I'd like some input on is, are 90mm bores bad, or should I send off my std bore jug & just replate it. Some of the guys I've talked to think the 90mm might be  :roll: questionable. Im sure I could sell it & get my stock jug plated, I'm just curious if its a bad call or should I use it. Either way I'm still short a head but I'm kinda wondering which jug to get rid of. I also have a sleeved 87.5mm jug with a good used 88mm piston I could use too,525  :evil:, but I wanna stick with the nikasil for longevity.

As the title states HELP
I have seen a few of the "Big Bores" lately needing lots of Head Gasket attention. On that big of a bore you are getting very close to the head studs & water jackets with the bore, but with that said, these motors I have seen are running very high compression which I am sure is not helping matters. I will wait to see if there is a cure.
Hope this helps,
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2011, 03:35:40 PM »
DoldGuy I can see the pinsinault head gasket I got being a problem as the copper had some trash in it when they pressed it right where the fire ring would be , but cometic will let you special order bore size specific so I think thats covered. Not going to go beyond pump gas compression either. & .080 closer to the stud would distort more

Like you said on your ideal build 88x88 Motorrad, why arent you thinking bigger.It seems like most tend to stay as close to stock size, like bigger is bad. I can see thin, hot spots as being a legitimate thought but... When I ordered the piston I actually ordered a 91 & they said no cant go bigger than 90 without a sleeve, so I realize its gotta be borderline just wondering where the reliability becomes an issue I guess.

As far as the problem that didnt get fixed, the bridges werent cracked I just wanted them beefed up which didnt happen. As you can see
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« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2011, 05:25:50 PM »
I actually am thinking 90X88 now...

Offline kawiscooter

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« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2011, 09:02:11 AM »
not related, but what the heck is that white critter in the first picture? Looks like a chiuhuha crossed with a cat!??

Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2011, 03:52:32 PM »
Shpynx cat, named Peaches O'chit. If you like cats they're the chit, no hair to gag on when you pet them & they act more like dogs.
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Offline 81cr450

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« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2011, 12:42:51 PM »
Finally moving forward again. With a little time I built a jig to cut my dome ,not pretty but I didnt have a jig to copy & just used what I had. Took some time to dial in but I'm underway again. Hoping to get it done this weekend. CC'd it at 47cc, with the 550 big bore I hope it comes in at 155psi static, math says it should be close. The stock head was at 85.5 mm bore, you'd think the factory could get closer.
if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

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