Author Topic: 110 octane race fuel  (Read 1702 times)

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Offline sniper1

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110 octane race fuel
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:03:52 AM »
       I didn't know where to put this topic but anyone in the southest michigan area looking for race fuel we have a BP with 110 octane for $7.15 a gallon they are located in osseo michigan at 34 and 99.

       If you are in northwest ohio or northeast indiana or even going through that area you now know where a good source for 110 is, I think $7.15 a gallon is cheap compared to 87 regular at $3.99 a gallon.
Just an old guy that enjoys going fast, I was in the army for 6 years and bought my first K5 when I returned from basic training. I raced a yz60 from age 6 to 8  a kx80 from 8 to 12  a kx125 from 12-17 intermediate class on k5 which I've owned 3.