I just measured the race sag and it looks like I need a stiffer spring. It measured 4.5" and the collar is already about 3/4 of the way down the threads.
That's too much sag. As a ballpark you want to be at 95-100mm ( 3.75"- 3.98" )
A quick way to tell if your spring is too soft is if you keep tightening your shock preload, and you can't achieve the desired sag measurement.
As a generall rule, lighter riders = slightly greater sag, and heavier riders slightly less sag. I have my sag set at 4.12" but I only weigh 155 lbs
lastly, DON'T just add more compression to the shock clickers to compensate for too soft a spring rate, as this action drastically upsets the bikes bump absorbtion capabilities.