Well 89kaw things weren't always the way they are now and there was a time when I could barely afford gas in my bike let alone aftermarket parts but a good military career and decent job combined with a wife that buys a lot of crap which makes it ok for me to buy a lot of crap
The key is trade off value with the wife she buys some goofy girl crap for $20 and I buy a $100 part lol and she never seems to notice even though college educated has her BA in psychology cumme summe laude or maybe she is just using psychology on me and plans on spending a fortune on something I'm not sure
I'm 43 years old and fairly comfortable with everything paid off from cars to house and property so it makes it easier to buy crap but I was thrifty when I was younger so I could have everything paid off at this age. The wife picked the camera out and it looks like a dandy I should have that video with sound up tomorrow my question is how do I make it so you can see it and hear it?