Hallo everyone on this site. I'm a new (but quite old) bloke from Olde England living in Mexico. Got an '87 KX500 two or three months back as it was the first two stroke bike a feller with a bike repair shop offered me. I know I'm going to have trouble with it right away: 1st because it's an '87; 2nd because I'm south of the border; 3rd because I lack £/$/$MN; 4th because I lack space and it's in my kitchen; 5th because I lack tools and facilities; 6th because it's my 1st KX; 7th because I know it has a KDX200 pipe (I think); 8th because it's been messed about with in other ways; 9th because because because...I could go on and on. I don't need welcoming, I need a bloody miracle.