Kaw Rider was right.... it is scary how hot these things run now that I have a number infront of me..
What is a scary number?
180-90's idleing around..
Single digit 200s for quick pops through midrange..
Havnt touched anything above 1/2 yet. (break in ya know)
Perhapse I am just being perrinoid.. My BIG 640CC KTM single normaly runs in the 170's (no matter what).. fans kick on at 185.. and never.. I MEAN NEVER goes above 190...
(And I am talking about idling through a sand wash, (DEEP). for 2 hours, in first gear, in 109F weather.. I thought I was going to die...)
I reviewed a couple of the run logs and a trend seems to form between 230-260.
Thanks for the numbers mark... Now I dont feel like Somthing is wrong.. (was my fear)
Talked to a few other members with Digi's today on the phone..
Yep these puppies run HOT HOT HOT....