Author Topic: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"  (Read 21654 times)

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Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2011, 05:43:02 PM »
That is SWEEEET. Looks good.

Offline greylynn

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2011, 04:06:53 PM »
Any more progress on this?  Lookin' good!


Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2011, 03:25:01 PM »
Yes... I just spent countless hours sanding, sanding, sanding, wet sanding and polishing the frame, skid plate, swingarm. It may be endless upkeep...but it looks sick.

Offline BacK.IN.THE.DaY

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2011, 12:17:21 AM »
very nice what did you use to get it looking like that?? :-D


Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2011, 02:28:03 AM »
Start with 400 grit sand paper on a dual action air sander and remove scuffs, scratches, gouges will come out for the most part as you advance through the sand papers, sand off the rough casting pebble finish. Remember tight tiny areas are a bugger to polish later, that is why I left the upper portion of the down tube, besides the radiators cover that entirely. Moving on... follow that with 800 grit on the D.A. That is to be followed by 1000 or 1200 grit on the D.A. Next get a squirt bottle and fill with water, and now use 2000 grit, by hand wet sand. It will now start to take on a bit of a shine, if you are not worn out now, wipe it down and look very close for and sand scratches left by the DA because they will show later, also look for any pits you missed and depending how deep they are you may have to go back a step or two. When you are satisfied with what you see, I polished mine with a Matco 3" air buffer with a wool pad. Use Mother's Aluminum polish as the compound or similar product. Buff it to a mirror finish, dont worry about the black compound that is gummed up in the welds and cast marks you will take care of that next. I might stress this point... use air tools!!!!!! Hand sanding will be a pain. And anything less than an air buffer will not get the mirror finish, it swirls the compound but also builds a little heat which helps...believe me. Now inspect it again, fix anything you don't like. If you are satisfied, take it to a pressure washer. I laid mine down on bubble wrap because the shine will show every little scuff and scratch now. Use car wash soap, it is mild. If you use dish soap you will remove some of the aluminum polish and be buffing again. Wipe it down with a car wash mit, especially at the welds and cast areas that hold the black compound. then pressure wash the soap/ compound off. Immediately blow the frame off with compressed air, untill no more water comes trickling out, water spots you know. Then tape it up with painters tape, the not so sticky stuff, if you need to reassemble. That's it in a nut shell, how I did it anyway.


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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2011, 09:14:22 AM »
know what you mean about the upkeep ,did the same on my kxf swing arm , kickstart and  hgs pipe , looks the nuts though  i used our workshop 415v ind bench grinder with mop wheel and ali soap ,your right you do need to get the heat into it!! nice tip on the black marks in the weld!!ta

Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2011, 01:15:42 PM »
No much going on lately... side plastic showed up though.



Offline taffymoto

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2011, 12:21:40 AM »
looking sweet mate...cant wait to start mine :-D

Offline livenlife699

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2011, 02:27:26 PM »
The Frame all polished up looks awesome!! The bike should look great when its done, How did you bend those frame rails? They came out really good! Im trying to figure out how to bend some myself for my new build

Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2011, 06:26:01 PM »
I just copied the factory bend and transfered that to a 2x10, cut the profile on the band saw ( you can see the block in the 3 picture) just out of the picture at the top there is a 2x4 on the oppisite side of the tube for leverage. Learn from my mistakes get a 6 foot piece of 6061 aluminum square tube cut it in half then do the bends. If you don't get enough leverage to perform the bend you will only hurt yourself, trim to length AFTER the bending process. Now the trick, sweat the aluminum. I warmed it up with a propane torch, just enough to ease the bending process and to keep the metal from cracking or bunching up. For the sharp bend, I just stuck it in the vise with aluminum padded jaws ( you dont want galvanic corrosion). Just remember... WARM not HOT, and a little heat is fine, too hot will ruin the strength...especially if it is heated repeatedly.

Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2011, 11:40:49 AM »
Finally !!! Got something done on this beast. Money has been sooo tight. Managed to get a Hot Rod connecting rod new off fleabay for $50. I pressed the old one out and the new one in, I used dowles to align the crank weights prior and durring pressing the new together. I will put it in v-blocks and check the runout but I feel that design is fairly foolproof.

Offline Podium Werx

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2011, 08:38:13 AM »
Hi how did you bend the frame rails looks good

Offline elemeno187

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2011, 10:11:24 AM »
Hi how did you bend the frame rails looks good

Read the whole thread and you will find that he already explained how he bent the rails!!

Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2011, 03:13:18 AM »
Thank God... progress. I was really getting discouraged with the build, I'm the type that has to be moving forward and seeing progress at least on a regular basis. Anyway radiators are bolted up, lower half of the engine is finally new and together. Now I need to order up the clutch, and piston. Thanks to all that helped advise me on the sleeved cylinder, I think I'm going to go for the limit and get the 88mm piston, when it can no longer be ringed or plated, that will be a good excuse to update the engine to a 90's verrsion.

Offline sylvester

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Re: 2006 KX250F / KX500 my son rightly named "The Juggernaut"
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2011, 04:09:24 AM »
I would just like to take a second to thank everyone who has helped me with product and advise on this buid, from the start to this point.

HAMMER NUTRITION  enter my customer # and get 15% off your first order, they have helped me get back to my racing form and fittness.

Angela @ XTREME GRAPHICS & SIGNS for printing out numbers for the backgrounds.
If anyone is intrested in numbers etc. PM me and I will send you her phone # for the sponsorship and the technical information/ advise on this build.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 06:23:09 AM by sylvester »