This website has added one more to the list of AF conversion addicts. I can not remember where I saw the first picture of a KX500AF, I do remember saying to myself that was sick...I want one. After petitioning the wife's approval, we began the frame search. Low and behold it was like a sign from God, there it was a 2006 KX250F frame very reasonable on "the bay". One highly antisipated week later and the UPS man dropped off my highly reflective consumer of spare time. And so it begins...

( Noun: - A juggernaut is a term used to describe a literal or metaphorical force regarded as unstoppable. It is often applied to a large machine or collectively to a team or group of people working together, and often bears association with crushing or being physically destructive.
The next item in my scavenger hunt on the to be found list was the engine and electronics. After composing my craigslist ad, the only thing left to do was hurry up and wait. After days of sifting through spam emails and people who want to trade everything BUT what you clearly listed you would trade for, I got a real offer. Some shrude negotiation and the heart of the beast was sitting on my garage floor, a 1986 KX500. Not my first choise, but it looks very clean and the powervalve drums dont look all gummed up.

Duplicated the factory bends on the engine support tubes, and devised a crude jig, which suprised me with a very accurate bend for both pieces.

I must thank every other AF build in this forum and ones like this. I have copied some ideas, modified others and outright learned what not to do. Thank you all.
I elected to keep the engine support rails in factory appearance, mostly for the looks, but I later discovered... had I not bent the rails in, I would be inserting longer spacers to unite the motor mounts to their respective bolt slots on the cases.

Removed the cast "Y", cleaned it up for reuse.

Tack welded the cleaned and trimmed "Y" and fit the engine support rails for tack welding.