The Digatron is a fantastic product! I would agree that the four window display gets a bit big on the bars. 2, 3, or four windows...the displays are very easy to read in a tuck, but there are also programmable 'info/warning' lights on most of the units.
The product was orginally designed for kart use and they have no problem dealing with the vibration of the 2s motor. It is important to run the leads seperated from the K5's ignition wires.
The display and sensors have proven their durability, but the wires are scary thin and need to be protected. The conectors have a spring lock that works well, but needs to be protected from the elements.... consider the kart track are pretty clean and dry places.
One thing I might consider is using the digatron to set your baseline and then taking full advantage of the protection that the toolbox offers. I don't think I have ever seen a set of EGT/CHT gauges that could survive a KX5 loop.
If you sort out where you want to mount stuff, Digatron will cut your wires to fit!
The single display is a good idea, but the four channel display is scream'n cool and the graphes don't lie! I would really consider one of the bigger units and just admit it is a tuning tool. At the very least, figure out a way to protect the plugs on the back of the unit.