Author Topic: I loved this article!  (Read 1777 times)

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I loved this article!
« on: June 13, 2004, 08:07:15 PM »
Here's from MXperts in the new MXA,... "Why didn't four-strokes replace two-strokes years ago?It is so obvious that four-strokes are better." ...Answer... "So much for your deductive powers,Sherlock.In truth,two-strokes are the ultimate motocross racing engine.A two-stroke engine weighs less,has fewer moving parts,has a significantly reduced maintenance cost,revs quicker,is cheaper to manufacture and produces more horsepower per liter than a four-stroke.If two-strokes had been invented yesterday,we would be hailing their arrival as a watershed moment in engine technology.So ,why are four-strokes dominating now?It is a combination of pending EPA legislation (with which the manufacurers must comply),me-tooism on the part of consumers,and the fact that four-strokes are allowed,under AMA rules,considerably larger displacement.Without the extra displacement,no one would be racing a four-stroke today."...I thought the "me-tooism" was pretty funny,to bad so many people just jump on the four-stroke wagon because of a magazine,dealer or Joe Blow told them to.

Offline Ramski

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I loved this article!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2004, 07:04:10 PM »
That's exactly right!!! It's all about something different. New technology. Excite public intrest. More sales in parts. The common Joe Blow can't and does not have knowledge to do 4 stroke maintenance. The blow their engine and cha-ching!!!

The thing I like about desert racing is that a 250 4 stroke races in the 250 class. 450 4 stroke is open class! :)

All that technology needs to be spent on making them quieter. Anyone been to a moto track lately? You gotta have ear plugs now.

Okay, I'm done ranting. Yes, I dislike 4 strokes, but that's just my little opinion. It's ALL about MONEY!!!
Danny Lesovsky