Whoa there fella...The motor oil is for the Transmission... Stop running out and buying stuff.
Step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath!
The Air filter was a good Idea, not knowing what condition your present filter is in.
We have lots to talk about. let me e-mail you and we'll get this worked out.
I don't want to waste Dangers Bandwith.
You can be getting the rest of your bike ready to ride. I would like you to get a small plastic bag and wrap up the needle and slide hanging from the frame. I didn't realize you didn't know how to disconnect it and keep it with the carb.
Your going to need a few things you will be able to use.
1) A Ratio Rite Measuring cup. This comes in handy for all kinds of things.
2) Readily available Synthetic Two Stroke Pre-Mix Oil
Is there a motorcycle shop near you that you can get to? If you have to you, can get oil through E-bay.
Automotive places sell pre-mix too. Let me/us know what is available. we'll find an oil that you can get easily,
so you don't have to wait for the brown truck.
One step at a time...