Right guys Good News!! After all my hard work she looka a dream! Kicks first time everytime too!
This is how she looks now! Everything as tight as a new bike (except engine as i hadnt touched that)
So i took her out for a track day to test out the new beauty! Low and behold Bad news always follows good..
First she wouldnt hit powervalves in 1st 2nd or 3rd... Then she soiled a spark plug....Still had a good few hours on her.... Lively, suprising hours as the powervalves sometimes kick in, could be anytime but always very late.... Making the back wheel very skittish
all funn aside i need to fix this before i take her out again... Any ideas anyone? anyone had this? I'm gonna try taking the valves out and cleaning them incase they carboned up... Other than that i'm lost... Do these bikes have cable operated powervavles?