I have actually settled on a Mossberg 930 SPX. normal stock. ghost ring sights..
it will break down into 2 pieces (in half) easy enough.
and Canada will alow it in to the country (reason im on a shotgun quest). otherwise Id just take my Les baer (1911 .45) and my 357 snubby as usual.. but Canada has stupid laws..
and I REFUSE to go ANYWHERE... Un-armed... (including 7-11)
Good choice on the shotgun. I live in Wyoming, and when we camp in the hills, I have a Mossberg Maverick 88 Security Pump that I take. It has a 20 inch cylinder bore barrel, holds 7 rounds in the tube, and one in the chamber. Its great with slugs or 000 buckshot. Eight rounds of either of those will make a bear think twice (or think its last thought.) The important thing is to keep it with you! This is simple with a handgun, but it is too easy to develop a tendency to lay the shotgun down. Even if its only 10 feet away when you notice a bear close by, that might be too far. Look for a sling to keep the Mossberg close at hand. But like Alward says, always carry the pepper spray holstered on your belt. If at all possible, use the pepper spray first!