Author Topic: Good by to kx riders  (Read 22051 times)

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Offline kx560

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2011, 04:54:46 AM »
I say give BDI the moderator status because he more than likely has the fastest bike on here and built it himself.  I really would like to run against it at some point just to see.

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2011, 02:15:12 PM »
Thanks for your contributions to this site BDI.
"Endeavor to persevere."

Offline maddoggy

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2011, 02:22:55 PM »
Wow what an asshole.  Maybe I'm not the best engine builder in the world but that's what I paid for. I have owned 2 strokes my whole life and know how to jet. I got carried away a few times going lean for more juice but I'll be the first to admit it.  Sorry to show you all that your god is not perfect but I don't really feel too bad

well, i have only one god, his name is GOD, not stewart rouse. i probably should not have ran my mouth but it happened. not the first time i have been labeled with that name. oh, well. call a spade a spade, i can handle it. you are right about bdi's bike. he has built a sweet bike all by himself. i must admit, i have not. my interests are in diesel and high performance muscle car motors, not dirtbike motors. if my bike runs good, well thats good enough for me. i could never ride my bike to it's potential. i can ride but not THAT well. enough of this mess, let's move on to some productive and innovative ideas to post up. let's build this site back up to what it once was. danger deserves it and we owe it to him. bdi will do what is best for him and thats ok. he has added alot to this site and i am grateful.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 02:32:16 PM by maddoggy »

Offline k5abuser

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2011, 04:07:18 PM »
bdi your a hero member on here for a reason . i know what your saying and feeling  at this point. like maddog said  this stuff happens.  where would we all be if we didn't learn from the bad things that happen in life! . will i have tried to stand back to deal with my family stuff  and let things go . once i saw what was going on here  with stewart i talked to danger and then tried to figure out how i could join  in on the site again with out letting my self get dragged down with stewart reputaion( all he and i ever wanted was to get more power and share all info on this site and this site alone) and help others get what they had coming to them. i have all ways treated everyone the way i would want them to  treat me . i have said what i think was going on here at this end with stewart. i don't make excuses for others and try not to use them for my self. those that didn't speak the truth or help just made things worse . this is the only site i goto and have all ways looked forward to getting on here in the past and have no plans of leaving unless asked too  by people that matter. bdi your one of those people . i have been in the motorcycle buisness one way or another for 27 years(worked for kawasaki and suzuki from the age of 16 to 21) . bought , sold and built machine guns for over 10 years and have dealt with just about every type out there. goto youtube and watch the /// customer and the mechanic ///

 <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

 some of you have had this guy in yoiur shop.

 ive tried to all ways take the high road and have been an a*&%%(#(* on here . mr. mouth from time to time.didn't make excuses for him but told the truth that hadn't been posted for all to see . the truth behind the scene gets pasted around fast.

 bdi take a break and then come back when this is over . i think that when all of this is over that danger should delete stewarts name from here and just save the tech to a forum with no ??? or replys . we deleted another topic a while back what was that ummmm see we move on and forget .if i need to be gone for the masses to forget then i will move and wish all the luck in the world for danger and the rest of you . lets learn and move on to the high road. this could have happened and has happened with many at other place's out side of the web . its just the web that ruin those people.
 soo bdi stick around and be one of those people that helped save a site from its self and the things that plauge them it was here before stewart and will be here long after he is gone . i know danger would like that very much as would  others and my self !!!well the short bus gets here early and i have to wax my helmet for a long day tomorrow.
 if you chose to leave i wish you all the luck and hope to stay in touch and hope that everthing looks up  for you. its been great and fun knowing you and being mr. mouth on a few pages with you. just do what your heart tells you too.
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline delphipro5

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2011, 05:24:46 PM »
come on man, these guys on here want you to stick around and have some good times with us , I promise no bull from anyone,  we can take care of it!  8-)

Offline don46

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2011, 02:40:29 AM »
bdi your a hero member on here for a reason . i know what your saying and feeling  at this point. like maddog said  this stuff happens.  where would we all be if we didn't learn from the bad things that happen in life! . will i have tried to stand back to deal with my family stuff  and let things go . once i saw what was going on here  with stewart i talked to danger and then tried to figure out how i could join  in on the site again with out letting my self get dragged down with stewart reputaion( all he and i ever wanted was to get more power and share all info on this site and this site alone) and help others get what they had coming to them. i have all ways treated everyone the way i would want them to  treat me . i have said what i think was going on here at this end with stewart. i don't make excuses for others and try not to use them for my self. those that didn't speak the truth or help just made things worse . this is the only site i goto and have all ways looked forward to getting on here in the past and have no plans of leaving unless asked too  by people that matter. bdi your one of those people . i have been in the motorcycle buisness one way or another for 27 years(worked for kawasaki and suzuki from the age of 16 to 21) . bought , sold and built machine guns for over 10 years and have dealt with just about every type out there. goto youtube and watch the /// customer and the mechanic ///

 <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

 some of you have had this guy in yoiur shop.

 ive tried to all ways take the high road and have been an a*&%%(#(* on here . mr. mouth from time to time.didn't make excuses for him but told the truth that hadn't been posted for all to see . the truth behind the scene gets pasted around fast.

 bdi take a break and then come back when this is over . i think that when all of this is over that danger should delete stewarts name from here and just save the tech to a forum with no ??? or replys . we deleted another topic a while back what was that ummmm see we move on and forget .if i need to be gone for the masses to forget then i will move and wish all the luck in the world for danger and the rest of you . lets learn and move on to the high road. this could have happened and has happened with many at other place's out side of the web . its just the web that ruin those people.
 soo bdi stick around and be one of those people that helped save a site from its self and the things that plauge them it was here before stewart and will be here long after he is gone . i know danger would like that very much as would  others and my self !!!well the short bus gets here early and i have to wax my helmet for a long day tomorrow.
 if you chose to leave i wish you all the luck and hope to stay in touch and hope that everthing looks up  for you. its been great and fun knowing you and being mr. mouth on a few pages with you. just do what your heart tells you too.


There is no reason to go anywhere, you have valuable input and points of view. If there are those that would like to see you go, well maybe they should be the ones to leave. Stick around, participate and have a good time, this will blow over and be forgotten at some point, in fact I thought it had since I hadn't heard anything for some time.

have a great day, hang in there you have many friends on this site.
Live today, for tomorrow may never come

Offline maddoggy

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2011, 04:29:33 AM »
k5abuser, you have a gift of telling it like it is without causing trauma. i really enjoy reading your posts and i am thankful that you were willing to step in and try to help those who were waiting for it. the dark cloud will blow over and the sun will shine through again soon.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 07:32:09 AM by maddoggy »

Offline k5abuser

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2011, 07:19:57 AM »
BDI we have  taken a vote and we have spoken

. You. Are life long memberand must stay to give us a hero.thanks for letting me and BDI stay!!!
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline k5abuser

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2011, 07:24:47 AM »
Mr.DAVIS if you leave we wil. We will miss you 8-) :oops: :oops: :|
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline martinfan30

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2011, 11:40:27 AM »
As a Mod for TT in a 4T forum, I have seen much of this over 5 years of keeping little DBAGS in line. The other, quality members in the forum have a very unique way of taking the trash out.

I appreciate all of BDI's input, as well as many others here... I just hate to see such contributing members being put off like this.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 11:55:36 AM by martinfan30 »
2000 KX500
2005 XR650L

Neither are stock, and both are great desert bikes.

Offline Goat

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2011, 12:20:09 PM »
d**nit! I take a leave of absence for a month and when I come back good people are leaving. WTF is going on now?

I vote for everyone to stay except the ones causing problems.
It's hard to keep a drivers license riding a 2 stroke dirt bike on the street.  If you drive within the law they are VERY boring.

Offline kwakman

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2011, 12:47:05 AM »
and if you go who's gonna be the next resident martha stewart? i'll end up eating sump oil soup with air filter croutons and you wouldnt be responsible for that would you? you would? well sod off then... :-D    no seriously though mate, if its getting you feeling like that maybe take a sabbatical for a while, might help...i know you said you think you have nothing more to give but we dont see it that way.its difficult for some of us to be able to teach the more knowledgable members stuff they dont know but there are other things we can contribute in your direction, even if we're just cannon fodder when your in gobby mode :-D. if you do decide to go for good, then i wish you luck in whatever you do, thanks for the time and input, peace.john.
And lo, I did loft the front wheel and carried it forth to the unbelievers, and cast it down before them and said unto them ''look now upon the might of my throttle control ye pitiful cretinous ones''
And the unbelievers did quake in their boots....

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2011, 05:06:35 AM »
Dude Brian, I hope you don't stay away for long. I'm not real good with words but I really value your input and its like church- not everyone can be the preacher or the sunday school teacher or piano player, but everyone has THEIR part and you are a valuable part to this site and knowledge collective.

Straight up dude, don't bail completely. There are a lot of knuckleheads around like me who can't tune their way out of a wet paper sack that need you guys that have been there-done that to steer us in the right direction. You are valued here. Just sayin'...

Offline Bigtim

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2011, 07:02:57 AM »
I say give BDI the moderator status because he more than likely has the fastest bike on here and built it himself.  I really would like to run against it at some point just to see.
Smooch, Smooch.    .....1st post in over a year!!! try it

Offline BDI

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2012, 02:56:37 AM »
Wow,,,, I just read through this post, and ,WOW. First I would like to say  sorry to danger. Dude I was not trying to hurt your site sorry. I can't beleive the back lash me leaving created. I have snooped on the site a couple times even whent so far as to make a new acount "s8n" but never used it. I have no idea who is here and who is life has really changed since I left here. Let me , see ive been to jail twice for really nasty sht, my wife has moved to her moms and still sick,filed bank rupt do to forcloser,fell out of bank rupt do to being to broke to pay those people. Still in same house with all my toys"no one in the fam on either side likes that". No one likes my idea of takin all my crap to the rental house.they seam to think I should sell all my crap cuz im doin bad. I think thats a temp fix for a perm problem. I would rather make money then sell my toys. Did sell the 38 chev pick up and made some folk happy but drug home 3 ford f100s and pissed them all right back off when I started buildin 1970 short box ford f100 with 500 horse small block chevy and 20" of travel. This trucks so me, it pisses off everyone,inlaws,neighbors,ford guys,chevy guys and soon the cops because im almost ready to put it on the rode. Cant wait to here who all responds.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 03:02:14 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!