Author Topic: Good by to kx riders  (Read 22014 times)

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Offline Marco810

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2011, 02:15:52 PM »
Wow what an asshole.  Maybe I'm not the best engine builder in the world but that's what I paid for. I have owned 2 strokes my whole life and know how to jet. I got carried away a few times going lean for more juice but I'll be the first to admit it.  Sorry to show you all that your god is not perfect but I don't really feel too bad

Ive read your topic made about Stewart's 560 and they defiantly "spiced" it up a bit.

And if i offended you in the other topic BDI im sorry my intentions were not to offend you and i feel you should stay around. your more help to this forum then ill ever be.


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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2011, 02:18:24 PM »
Well BDI.. what do I say... Like I told you over the phone the other day.. You will be missed by me..  I love all the ideas you come up with, and your witty responses will be missed.. Reading your ideas about Upside-down triangles on the exhaust port for the woods guys, Adjustable kips bolts, helping guys like me get their dunes gearing right the first time, and your idea for checking squish clearance by making a dial indicator tool out of an old sparkplug! Priceless!!!

You were an asset to this site. I hope you realize that.
Hopefully after you get tired of Facebook (you will, its neat at first, but then gets lame), you will come back. As even though times are dark at the moment... this site is full of good people, and great ideas, and it will bounce back.. Unfortunately, like everything in life, the few in the world try to ruin it for the masses... And even some of us good guys, have been a bit on edge latly, with all the mud being thrown around...  And I apologise if I have said anything that has been less than kosher to you or anyone else...

See you in the sand...
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 03:29:44 PM by Motorrad »

Offline mdw471

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Re: Good Bye to kx riders
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2011, 01:26:34 AM »
I don't ever want anybody to quit anything, but it is hard to ignore that it took less than 20 posts to illustrate the cause of what is effecting BDI.

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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2011, 04:19:35 AM »
Yep, I'm out too.

I have been a member on here for a long time, and the founding core members are, by far, deserving of my thanks for so many opportunities given to me with this wealth of information. Not only did you provide volumes of tuning techniques, but the interface to ask questions and get qualified advice. All of it for free. Guys with Dynos, Flow Benches and machine shops to explain modifications, not just running their gums. Real tangible world-class results. I just rode the bikes and hoped someone local would help me fix them when they broke, when I started on kxriders.

Danger has done a great job at letting people speak their minds, and rarely ever steers the site. Its great to be free in America and voice your opinions, ain't it? But one heckler can really bring down the positive flow of information. Might be better as a read-only site now. Good thing for all of you, Stewart's ban will preserve all that he donated. Use it wisely...

BDI, you helped me out several times. Its good to see some people do not waiver in their loyalty so easy. Enjoyed your stories and humor the most. Thank you to all of the guys that ran the r&d, spent your money, broke your engines and shared the stories. The site, the members, and kx500's benefited from your investments and experiences, good and bad.  I definately know that I don't ever need a big bore stroker 500, now, thanks again everyone....

Offline gwcrim

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2011, 05:14:41 AM »
But one heckler can really bring down the positive flow of information.

I've been hacking around the internet since the mid 90's so I've certainly been in my share of flame wars.  Nonverbal communication isn't easy because of the lack of voice inflection and face to face interaction.  BUT......

Anytime anyone holds them self out as a businessman, charging money for products and services, they should be able to hold up to a higher standard of accountability.  The customer may not always be right, but the customer is always the customer.  One bad one can wipe out the reputation that one hundred good ones make.

Was KX560 wrong or out of line for his actions?  I don't know or care.  I didn't take his money and build his engine.  He had a beef that only good customer relations could have taken care of.

Was Stewart wrong for taking money and not delivering what was promised?  Ask the district attorney.

In my world, if a customer has a legitimate gripe, I'll bend over backward to make them happy.  Arguing only makes matters worse.  Stewart is a business man.  He should have known better.

This is the internet.  You'd better have thick skin on your shins, especially if you are dealing with other people's money.

Thank god there's still free porn.   :-D :lol: :evil: :wink: :-o
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Offline delphipro5

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2011, 05:26:20 AM »
SO, who is staying and who is going? :-(
 It is a real shame what is happining here! I may have put my nose where it did not belong with my "stand up guys" post. And for that I am sorry, you are all stand up guys. I was in no way involved in any of this so I should have just kept my mouth shut. But I found this site and continue to use it as the holy grail of kx500 info, and am disapointed with what I see happining here. The shareing of information on this site rivals any forum I have ever seen. I know I am probably on the young side for the guys in this site being only 30yrs old. And I know that the best info I will get is NOT going to come from a 20 year old. I am just starting in on the facets of 500cc engine tuning, and hate to see people that my be indespensable to me leaving the site! I do not know what to say! But I hope that I can still connect with some of you before this goes into the hamper with everything else in this world. I am not a racer, not yet anyway. I am an engineer by trade who is obsessed with riding 2 strokes, and now I have the 500. Which is everything to me. I have wanted to strip and rebuild a dirtbike my whole life. Now I have the chance, and would like to think I could work with some guys out there that take it as seriously as I do, OR MUCH MORE!(when you make a living off your motor skills I would say your serious about it!)

I hope you don't think I'm an a-hole, or heckler, or anything like that. And I know forums make it easy to say something to someone without the chance of getting your teeth knocked down your throat. :evil: But I try my best to filter what I write on here. Maybe latley I have gone too far... lets take a poll, how many of you think i'm a dick? - delphipro

Offline alward25

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2011, 05:38:35 AM »
I think we are all dicks.  We all want the fastest dirt bike so we can show up everyone else. That is something a dick would do.  So, yes delphinpro5, you are a dick!  But, so am I.  I think this drama will pass after we all have a big unbunching of our panties, things get resolved, and we can all get on with building sweet and fast and scary KX 500's.
"Let there be light"


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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2011, 05:40:27 AM »
The site isn't going anywhere.. There are new members signing up every single day. And we still have several of our resident know it alls (in a good way).  

I have run one of the largest RC car forums on the net for man.  12 years now?  And I have seen this happen many a time on there... Someone gets out of line, and others get wrapped up in it and get dragged down withthat person.. Most eventually come back. As they miss the overall site more than one person's contebutions to the site...   The drama always goes away eventually..

Offline gwcrim

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2011, 05:41:35 AM »
What RC car forum?
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Offline delphipro5

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2011, 05:44:01 AM »


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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2011, 05:48:28 AM »

Offline Marco810

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2011, 05:55:52 AM »


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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2011, 06:22:12 AM »
Sorry that wasn't Ment^ to distract from the goal at hand...


Offline delphipro5

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2011, 06:28:54 AM »
DON'T GO!  DON'T GO!   :-(  Can't we all just get along?  :mrgreen:

Offline greencannon

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Re: Good by to kx riders
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2011, 12:11:33 AM »
BDI, Motorrad,Kaw Rider,DoldGuy,Alward,Danger,Sandblaster, Paul......Just to name a's guys like these that make this site what it is today, weather you agree with them or not... This forum is actualy a daily part of my routine weather it's 2min or 2hrs.  It's a place where you can be fully involved or sit from a distance and just observe.
Anytime you put a group of humans together for any amount of time there's bound to be some conflict somewhere, it's just human nature at work...It's also human nature to fix problems or learn to deal with things we cannot fix.. 
I have to admit, my first impression of you, BDI was  "who is this A$$hole ?? "  but soon realized that you are very wise with words and have very insightful alternative way of involving yourself in any particular discussion. I always look forward to hearing you chime in on those long 3 page discussions. Regardless of your age it's obvious you have a lot real world wisdom to share here...
I know its been said already but,   DONT GO !!
you and anybody else on this bandwagon will be sadly missed here...