Sorry to hear your thoughts of leaving the forum & think I understand how you feel, as I feel as I have lost a Very Good Friend in this. Something to think on "Who will be our resident A$$HOLE" for the site? You have done well in regards

. I also was a Very Hot Head in my younger days & time, along with good guidance, has helped alot, & with the majority of us being AARP cardholders (A.K.A. Old Farts) you are now in the position of being able to "Pay It Back" to the younger whipper snappers on here as they will relate to you alot easier than someone on here older than their Dad.
You also have made alot of Good Post showing "How To" & sure there is much more floating around up there that you can share & yes I just recieved my gaskets from Cometic Just like the ones you shared the info about. I also have the 250 steel frame that I am still trying to get together & sure you have all the answers to the questions.
If you must go, I understand, but I am sure that everyone here would want you to hang out (& see that KLX to completion).

Enjoy Today!