If I host my own pics on photobucket, does it still chow bandwidth when I post them? Because I am pic happy when I post and no admin. has given me any s#*t about it yet. But if I am doing something that is not appreciated I would like to be told not to so I can change it. otherwise, I will continue to post tons of pics so people can see what it is im talking about! But if that is messing the site up somehow then I will cut it out. like I said I host my own pics on Photobucket.
I too would also like to send a donation to the site, sniper1 has a good idea. Maybe the masters of the site could hold an annual fundraiser each year somehow. Or just have a spot on here with donation info for anyone who wants to chip in to keep this site not only floating, but making waves!

We need to make a 500 lovers convention!

I would be there! let's hold it in veagas! That would kick tail!