The image under my posts is called a "Signature".
We call them "Sigs" for short.
What you got to do make one first (some people have other people make them). A really good size is 400 Pixels wide and 100 Pixels tall (400x100).
Next you need to put that Sig (picture) up online somewhere. This is called "uploading".
Once it is online somewhere...right click on the Sig picture itself and choose "Properties". Then you will see the "Address" (URL...aka "link"). Select and copy the WHOLE address (you can just write it down if ya want).
Then....once ya have that link.....goto here and click "Profile" above. Then at the top you will see a box on the right where you enter your link and put in your opening and closing image tags (explained in diagram) on the ends of your link.

Your custom avatar can be done differently here. There is a "Browse" button that allows you to upload it directly from your computer. Click browse and go find it. Make sure "Always attach my signature" is marked "Yes". Diagram is below.

And....a few more things....
You can post pics in many places this way. When ya make a post and you want to show a cool pic to long as it's online somewhere...just insert the "tags" on both ends of the link and you'll be posting pics in no time!
You can also make words
BOLD by using the [ b ] (opening tag) in front of the word and the [ / b ] (closing tag...always is same but has a / in front of it). Just make sure you have no spaces as I just did to illustrate.
Same thing with colors! You can use color tags too! Here is what a color tag looks like with spaces to show ya... [ color=blue ] BLUE....hehehe [ /color ] . Now take them spaces out....and ya get
BLUE....hehehe ....want to be cool? some bold tags to the outside of that and ya get
BLUE....hehehe ....
Or....ya can just do it the easy the text ya want to be whatever....and click the button above you see when your posting to pit the tags on you want. Just make sore you have NO SPACES people....and you'll be all set.
I made this post for this site as I like it and the people here. I hope I helped some people and if I help but only one person I'd be happy.