Hello all,
I stumbled onto this site about a month ago and find it a wealth of information.
I had a 89 KX250 that I owned while working at a motorcycle shop right out of high school. That bike was a great start into riding/racing and two-strokes in general. I learned a lot wrenching on and cussing at that old machine.
Fast forward 15 years and I currently am riding a Yamaha 4-stroke MXer - I know, I know it is not a Kawi but it is great none-the-less ... but I miss the smell and sound and adrenaline rush I had with that old KX. So, I picked up a WELL USED 1989 KX500 that had a busted rear hub for $400 from a coworker. The first sight of it reminded me of the good times on my old 250. I promptly scavenged a hub (found a Talon!) from ebay and relaced the wheel ASAP so I could go riding. What a great time. A pure adrenaline filled adventure.
I rode both bikes back to back and you could immediately feel the difference between the refined razorblade YZ vs the unruly brute KX. I had forgotten what serious armpump was until I got on that KX and twisted the loud handle. WOW, what a stallion that thing is - Pure and untamed!
Now I am slowly trying to get her back into shape again. I have replaced controls, footpegs, rear brake lever to try to "tighten" her back up. It worked well to get the bike "feeling" better. I will address other systems on her as time/money provides and try and document some of the work I will be doing on this old beast.
I am glad to join the KXriders and look forward to reading more posts and maybe even writing a few, too.