Author Topic: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???  (Read 2061 times)

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Offline ThrottleJunky

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Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:14:44 AM »
Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???


WOW, I don't think old Tom liked SX in Dodger Stadium

He cut us up!
'There's more living in five minutes flat-out on a bike than some men have in an entire life'.

Offline greencannon

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Re: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 03:06:47 PM »
Dont make baseball sound like a high society sport like golf Tom.....its gritty old sport that i love as much as motocross. I would still love it no less even if there was a deep loamy berm buildup while rounding second base...LOL

The supercross scene is alive and well  Tom, and its coming to a stadium near you !
In the meantime, have a big ol bite of stone spray sandwich

Offline dirtjunkie85

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Re: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 07:24:04 AM »
Supercross brings in a lot of money to these places. They use high profile stadiums for most all of the races. In Indy they use the Colts Lucas Oil Staduim, the Georgia Dome in GA, and Angel Stadium of Anaheim. Dodger Stadium is one of many historic and great sports venues that has the opportunity to host Supercross.

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 08:23:47 AM »
It's find more ways to make revenue or raise the price of hot dogs and baseball tickets.
All I can say is don't cry on our dirt it just makes mud.
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Offline Goat

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Re: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 12:54:21 PM »
That article pi$$ed me off. Why let a structure sit their dormant wasting away and not making any money to pay for itself? Get something in there as much as possible no matter what it is. Problem with kids these days is there is nothing for them to do besides play video games, watch some bs on mtv that has nothing to do with music, and play on facebook. People need to spend time with their kids and find hobbies. I love computers and games just as much as any kid out there but if it's nice out I'd rather be outside enjoying life. When I was a kid I never wanted to be inside, watching tv or playing with toys. I always found something to build or work on. I had some sweet forts made out of whatever I could find. Now forts come in a box and you bolt them together. WTF? Looks exactly like the neighbors fort. Imagination is gone. Without Stadiums hosting different events people will have one less thing to enjoy with friends, kids, spouses. I got to spend a lot of my childhood with my family. We went to motocross, monster trucks, sprint car races, drag races, ect. ect. It was a great time. I don't know what I would be like if I hadn't done all those things. 

I'm not a fan of watching a bunch of guys chase their balls around. Whether it be Baseball, Basketball, Football, Golf or any other ball chasing sport. If it's got an engine and doesn't go 200 mph in a circle for hours on end I'll watch it. I enjoy some excitement in my life as most of us do. I've raced cars in circles and in 1/4 mile straights, motocross, flat track, and ice, take big 4x4 trucks and see what can break and how deep of mud we can go through without getting stuck. It's all fun and games. Some people think it's a waste of time and money with no benefits but I keep my comments to myself most of the time. But when I say something about their passion/hobbies they get all defensive and want to fight. It doesn't matter what you like or don't like. You just need to get out and enjoy life. Put the mouse, controller, and remote down and find a hobby to enjoy.

Sorry bout the rant but I had to unload.
It's hard to keep a drivers license riding a 2 stroke dirt bike on the street.  If you drive within the law they are VERY boring.

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 01:40:00 PM »
Goat, I know what you mean.  When I was a kid we would play army,  ride our bikes everywhere, hide and seek, throw rocks at each other, vacant lot base ball/foot ball,  .049 u control gas air planes and cars,  cheap bow and arrows, run with scissors..........
Ok, run with scissors was a joke.
Mom was stay at home until my younger brother was 8.  Times have changed, both Mom and Dad have to work now and still don't earn what's really needed.  Now you can't tell the kids go out and play because some perv will kidnap them.  We don't let the grandkid out of our sight unless he's with at least 2 friends and he's 10 years old.  When I was 10 I would ride my bicycle 10 to 15 miles by myself one way just to look around.  Now, as an adult I won't ride my bicycle on the road for the fear some meth head or drunk will run me over.  Now I truck my bicycle 10 miles to ride the bicycle/runners lane out at the lake.  Yes, times have changed....when I was a kid there were only 3 tv channels, NBC, ABC, CBS and they went off air at 12 midnight.  The only TV we watched were cartoons on Sat. 6am to 9am.  Most kids now don't get up till 11am. on Sat.
Back when NASCAR was cool, you could go on Monday to the dealership and buy the car you watched race on Sunday.  Now I call it NAPCAR, I'll catch the first few laps then wake up with 10 laps to go and watch the highlights after the race.  That's only if the weather won't let me go dirt bike riding.  NO apology needed, I'm ranting with you on this one.
KX 500 Rider

Offline greencannon

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Re: Dodger Stadium, crossing the line ???
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2011, 03:55:30 PM »
  Im with Goat on this pastime stuff. I miss my fort building and bmx riding days, and i still try hard to be physicaly active and involved in all aspects.  Americans are losing touch with the real world around them. We have brainwashed ourselves to have an "easy" button on everything we deal with in life. A face to face conversation with someone is getting harder to come by, a relationship via mobile net is the norm now, cars that are automaticaly safer...what ever happened to a safer driver ??? this is just the tip of the iceberg And this situation is not only affecting the youngsters, it includes a large part of older generation. Heck, im even blabbing away here on this forum.
I'm all for moving foward with technology, but we abuse it and  find ways to justify its constant necessity. Its just like an addictive drug. There is no moderation with this and it is out of control and we are losing touch with what is real.
Just think humans are going to evolve into fat, pale skinned, coke bottle glasses wearin drones with giant thumbs. Its kinda scary.
Next, get in line for your issued "available funds card"  and barcode neck stamp identification.....