I am also very happy with this site.
I appreciate all the technical information and the efforts of those who take the time to document what they are doing, not to mention the efforts of the site owner.
Something that I would like to see would be a library of "How To" articles, both written and in video.
We have many articles as well as the search feature, yet if a new section was added it could be searched by browsing the "How To" and then by the article of interest.
It could even be organized by your favorite builder ect.
A section on interchangeability could be added as well as pictures of parts with measurements.
Many times the book will say a part will fit Years X through Y.
In reality the part may fit many other years but it may have a different part number because of a color change.
I know this seems like a big task but the sooner you start, the sooner it gets done.