Author Topic: Site down  (Read 2408 times)

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Offline Danger4u2

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Site down
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:35:21 PM »
  Sorry about that guys, I forgot to renew the domain name.  I don't like anyone having access to any of my credit cards or bank accounts.  So I have to keep up with the account.  I don't do auto renewal. 
  Domain names have what's called a Whois, that will have the owners name and address listed.  You can have your provider give you "Domain Privacy", your name and address will not be listed.  With your name not listed I think that will cut down on solicitors or spammers.  I've never had a problem but you never know.  So this time around I am not listed.  I-Power charges a person $9 dollars to check the unlisted box.  One click of the mouse 9 bucks.  I'm not happy with I-Power.  Any time you call them you get someone from India.  And that can be fine but the first call I made today I could not understand the person.  I told them I had a customer come in and I would have to call back.  I hung up and called right back and got a person I could at least understand.  I-Power also charges you an extra 10 bucks if you want to pay with a check or moneyorder through the mail.
Next year I will transfer the kxriders domain account to Deru.  When working with Deru you talk to a person in Phoenix Arizona.  All their equipment and servers are in AZ.  He did tell me most problems can be solved in house but major tech problems are farmed out to India.
So, if anyone is starting a web site please consider Deru.  They will take a check or moneyorder and check the domain privacy box, no charge.  I will get a small credit to kxriders account if you mention kxriders as your referral source.

I went ahead and registered 2 new accounts just in case I ever want to make a dedicated KX500 site.
From Deru:
Hello David,
Registration for and  has been completed and should show up in tomorrow's whois and dns database updates.
Thank you for choosing us to maintain your domain name.
Deru Internet
(480) 998-7237

Thanks for your support David!

Not to put to fine a point on it, but our admins in India handle most of the
smaller everyday issues for our shared hosting customers, and if there are
'major tech problems' those are addressed by our staff here in Phoenix.

Also - the company we're partnered with in India has a base here in Phoenix
to offer Spanish and German phone support to hosting companies in other

Thank you for your business.


Deru Internet
(480) 998-7237
« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 08:43:11 AM by Danger4u2 »
KX 500 Rider

Offline jonny500

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Re: Site down
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 11:42:41 PM »
thanks danger for all the time and effort you put in to the site. the info on this site has been so valuable to me i dont think my project could have even started without it.  :-D

Offline BDI

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Re: Site down
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 03:48:05 AM »
This is not a dedicated 500 site?  :lol: :lol:
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Offline Goat

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Re: Site down
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 04:36:52 AM »
This is not a dedicated 500 site?  :lol: :lol:

LOL Seems like it doesn't it BDI?

I was worried when I couldn't load the site. I spend a good portion of my online time reading on this site. I'm lost without it, at least during the winter. I am thankful for this site and the people on it. I have learned quite a bit. Thank you Danger for keeping it going and Thanks to everyone else that contributes.
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Offline sandblaster

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Re: Site down
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 04:55:02 AM »
Danger, thanks for the great site and all those that contribute.
I use GoDaddy for the 12 different domain names I have.
I'm not worried about the spam  :evil:
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Site down
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 06:55:09 AM »
This is not a dedicated 500 site?  :lol: :lol:

I have always wanted it to be just a 500 site but we have a few 250 guys now.  And many members have small KX's for their kids.
Paul set it for all KX's so I never changed it. Plus we have many members sticking the K5 engine into 250 steel frames. 
I own a KLX250, it has a K and an X in the name, does that count.  I don't know if you guys have ever checked out .  I like how they have their site set up.
You have to own a CR500 to join their site.  I understand why they do that but it cuts out the newbie's that WANT a CR5.  I would not do that.
Starting a K5 site would water down kxriders membership so I'll keep it the way it is.
Another thing, the CR500 site is VERY strict about cussing, arguments, slander...... so strict someone started a site called Banned CR500 Riders.
Maybe I should get  No need for that, I've only banned 2 people since I've had the site.  Not counting the porno jerks that got away with 1 or 2 post before we caught them.
Thanks for the encouraging words, long live the 2 smoker.
KX 500 Rider

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Re: Site down
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2011, 07:37:15 AM »
I'm a member on as well, I don't think I agree with the way you have to view the site. there are many guests that can glean information from posts on the site, this does nothing but further the sport. I've also gone to the Banned site, now theres a bunch of renegades, and I say that in a respectful manner, they epitomize free speech. Like here there are many intelligent individuals that have done it and there are those that think they have done it.

My introduction to this site, or what was the previous name or something like that, anyway, it was during my first conversion, I was trying to find as much information as I possibly could and that led me here. I didn't find the information I was looking for then, but I'm still here and have learned many valuable lessons, and have encountered many good people along the way, and of course there have been some not so good as well but for some reason they just don't last around here, same holds true for the BS artists.

So David, thank you for keeping the site going.
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Re: Site down
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2011, 10:34:57 AM »
 I would also like to Thank You Dave for taking care of the site for us all.
   I was also at CR500Riders.  The attitude there is certainly different.  They were an offshoot from Larry's CR5 site.
That seemed to get way out of control...Any-way, as I've said many times. 
   This is Best Little Bikesite on the Web.   I never have to worry about my wife or daughter looking over my shoulder and I have learned a great deal.    I haven't had much time lately to hang out but I do check in as often as I sit down at a computor.   
  Thank You Again Dave, and all the guys who keep this place Civil,Entertaining and Educational !
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