Oh as far as tips..
You will never get Great beer out of that kit... drinkable.. yes... but GREAT... no... Just not enough controll etc..
How long ago did you start the fermentation (put yeast in it)?
What tempuraturs has it been fermenting at (temp of room its in)
What kind of yeast? (ale or lager)
Do you have a original gravity reading?
#1 mistake most make is bottling too soon.. as either fermentatin isnt done yet.. OR.. alot of newbs dont know.. that yeast when fermenting leave "off flavors" behind while they do their work.. and if you let it sit for a while after they are done "eating".. they will actually clean up after themselfs a little bit... ... autalisis isnt an issue in small batches... but oxigination is with plastic.. so... its all a balance..
I added the wort to the keg, then the yeast. This was at 5pm last monday.
Temperature has been between 66 and 68, constant.
The yeast is just what came with the can of HME. 2 gm of brewing yeast. IDK what strain, it's dry.
I don't have anything to measure specific gravity.
This kit seems to be a beginners kit. I followed the directions with the kit in great detail. I do however plan to upgrade after I brew the remaining 3 cans of HME. We have a local brewing supply store and was in there drooling over the bigger 5 gal capacity fermenters/kits.
I can say I am already addicted to this process! It's cool man. I really like your setup, and see myself there in a couple years EASILY!
I am waiting for the bubbles and floating colonies to subside and go away like the book said before I bottle. (1 liter plastic bottles with plastic sealed caps).
Then I'm supposed to bottle, and warm condition for at least 7 days, then cold condition for at least a couple.
Any help you give is greatly appreciated! I don't have anyone here to discuss and BS with over the process.