Hating eBay goes both ways.
Here is a great example of what sellers go through.
The following is emails I received and how my manager replied to each one.
I am not giving out the user name,
Hi. I recieved the package today, and the swing arm looks good aswell as the brake arm. The only problem that I have is that I assumed the tensioner was still on the swing arm.
All I really needed was the chein tensioner, and I couldn't find one separate online so I bought what I thought was a complete swing arm just to get the tensioner.
Do you still have the tensioner off of it?
My managers reply:
Hello Chris.
I'm sorry you didn't ask first as I am always happy to answer questions and provide additional pictures.
I sold the guide from this bike.
I have found that the following bikes used the same guide:
FITS 81-83 RM125 RM250, 81-82 RM465, 83 RM500
I checked and neither I nor any of our affiliates have one that will fit.
However, there are several on eBay right now.
I saw several for the 125 RM's so I didn't bother going any further.
I was talking about the chain tensionners at the ends that move the axle back and forth to adjust chain tension.
My managers reply:
I believe the axle adjustment blocks have also sold.
I'll check it and get back to you.
Then as a follow up:
As I suspected, those parts have sold.
After doing the interchangeability of all those parts I have found that these two models are 100% compatible:
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
I was only able to locate one on eBay:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SUZUKI-RM465-RM250-RM125-X-1981-CHAIN-ADJUSTER-NEW-OEM-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem25608d55e7QQitemZ160533665255QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessoriesSometimes the part numbers are different but other parts from other years and models will still fit.
I would measure your axle OD and also the height and width of the ends of the swing arm.
Then I would ask some of the sellers that have them for the 81-83 RM125 and RM250 if theirs measures the same.
I'm betting that they will but I have never tried it.
Let me know if I can help further.
My managers follow up:
Here is a list of the interchangeability of all the pieces as taken from
(511248-001) Enter
0-99 $15.71
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
(730034-001) Enter
0-99 $6.32
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
1982 RM465Z
1983 RM250D
1983 RM500D
(513867-001) Enter
0-99 $22.92
1981 RM125X
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
1982 PE175Z
1982 RM125Z
1982 RM250Z
1982 RM465Z
1983 PE175D
1983 RM125D
1983 RM250D
1983 RM500D
1984 PE175E
(513632-001) Enter
0-99 $3.24
1981 RM125X
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
1982 RM125Z
1983 RM125D
(513871-001) Enter
0-99 $6.44
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
1982 PE175Z
1982 RM250Z
1982 RM465Z
1983 PE175D
1983 RM250D
1983 RM500D
1984 PE175E
(513882-001) Enter
0-99 $7.17
1981 RM250X
1981 RM465X
1982 RM250Z
1982 RM465Z
1983 RM250D
1983 RM500D
I was already all over bike bandit and ebay, and nothing economical to be found.
I'll probably end up wasting another 100 bucks plus shipping on another swing arm that has them mounted.
Now I'm going to have to go way over budget on this bike.
My managers reply:
If I had another or some special way of getting more I would be happy to send it.
Unfortunately, I don't unless one comes rolling in the door.
Let me know how we can further help you.
Customers reply:
I could have bought any other swing arm on ebay for the same money with the adjusters.
I couldn't quite make out if they were on it in the pic, but I assumed they would have come with it.
Now I'm 100 plus shipping deep in 2 dollars worth of scrap aluminum.
My managers reply:
It sounds like you are unhappy with us.
Yet, we have been more than up front and helpful in resolving your problem.
Our ads are clear in what is being represented.
Further all our ads say if you need better pics, to let us know.
Also, whether you think something should or should not be included, you should Always ask.
If you buy it new, every nut, bolt, and washer is sold separately.
And judging from the blocks I see for sale on eBay my guess is that most do not come with the swing arm.
So, if your unhappy and in any way think this is our fault, feel free to send it back.
You will be responsible for all shipping cost.
Or, simply use your eBay account and sell it yourself.
It is very easy.
If you don't have a digital camera I will be more than happy to send you the pics that I have for you to use.
I will need your direct email address to send them.
No further emails were received.
We did however, get a negative feedback:
Ad was decieving, and seller did little to rectify the problem.
Our final email was this:
That was interesting feedback you left for us.
Especially considering all we went through to try and help you.
We did this even though there was zero deception on our part (I read the ad and it is perfectly clear) and you admitted in your first email that it was your fault.
Let me quote, "The only problem that I have is that I assumed the tensioner was still on the swing arm."
There is no mention on the ad that it included anything other than the swing arm.
We looked up all the interchange information and sent it to you as well as looked though all our extensive inventory listed and not listed as well as that of all our affiliates.
We even looked up possible other sellers on eBay and told you what you needed to do to get what you need.
We even offered a full refund.
Tell me, what is it that you wanted from us so that we didn't receive such bad feedback?
This one is a real mystery to me and all my employees.
My manger was upset.
But I told him, "No matter how far you bend over backwards, no matter what you write in your ads, no matter how hard you try, you can't make everyone happy."
Now that I have told my tale, I'll get back to work