im sure eastons are fine ,well respected make i had a riekon bar on for two seasons and had a few offs with no bend at all ,after the two seasons and some heavy landings i thought best to change them .
they were the identical bend etc gold in colour was the only difference ,they snapped after six months at my local track luckily i got over the first big tabletop a few bends later another table top then they snapped landing over the ski jump after the table top ....for a few milli seconds i kinda thought wot?

then i carried on through the ropes over the berm and then come off!! .very very lucky it wasnt the big table top you hit that one at speed .the importer wasnt remotely interested in changing !! even only at six months with no offs at all , i went back to renthals only bent one set years ago but that was a very heavy off ..renthals i love em