I think the reason why Reed isn't taking risks like tripling into the corner is because he is an owner/rider. Quite a bit more pressure on him to not crash. If he crashes and is injured, there isn't another team rider. He's not getting a salary. Two Two would be done, the sponsors won't be paying... and what does he do with all his employees?
I think Reed has been riding very smart and safe all season.
I agree, but, 2nd is 2nd and if he has the opportunity to grab 1st, he should do it- for his sponsors. He already was blowing the other guys away through the woops and with one more quick spot on the track he would've taken first. I was just saying I thought that one corner was it and it surprised me that no one else picked up on what Milsaps was doing there. I'd almost bet Stewart would've been doing it- but then he probably would've been on his head anyway so it doesn't matter. I think Reed coulda done that jump no problem.
I guess during the race you don't have much time to think about things like that, and second is still on the podium, but with VP out, that would've been that much closer in points for Reed. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, but didn't. I'm still going for VP also, but with all the haters comments everywhere, I'm starting to root for Stewart.