Author Topic: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion  (Read 67266 times)

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2011, 05:37:06 PM »
It's all good here. :-D


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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2011, 05:40:58 PM »
Leave it to me to hit a nerve.
Sorry guys I didn't mean to go there.

All good here also...
nothing that cant be fixed by beating myself in the head repeatedly with broken K5 parts... 

Also.. for all the kiddies reading this banter.. I was not refering to Kaw Rider in any of that... I would trust him with my motor...  :wink:

Just wanted to make sure that was clear...

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2011, 05:48:55 PM »
Kaw Rider knows his stuff and will be getting a engine from me soon enough  8-)
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.


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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2011, 05:51:31 PM »
Been busy with a million other things but I finally found some time to prep my engine for a rebuild.
When I originally started this project I was going to see how cheap I could do it.
As I got more into it I slowly changed my mind and decided that a full rebuild was in order.
I figured that even if I hated the bike when I got it done, I could always press in some 17mm inserts and run it in my KX5 which has a 11 year old engine that has only one ring and piston swap which was done last year.
Since I am not an engine builder I decided that I would send it off and have it rebuilt by a professional.
Unfortunately I do not know any local builders that are up to my expectations so in the mail it goes.
But, before I send it off I got thinking about if I was an engine builder, what would I like to see?
How about a dirty, grimy engine? No?
How about engine that is clean on the outside but untouched on the inside? Ok, but leaves a lot to be desired.
So, I decided that I would take it all apart, clean and inspect all the parts, and pre-order what I thought would be needed.
Of course, taking the engine completely apart means that every nut, bolt, and washer should be labeled and cleaned...
After all, do I want to pay a great engine builder to clean my parts?
So, with a little effort, every nut, bolt, and washer was cleaned and labeled to save him as much time and effort as possible.
I got as far as the exhaust valve asy today.

As you can see below, spending a few minutes cleaning can really speed up your builders inspection process.
What would you rather inspect, the valve on the left or the valve on the right?

All those engine builders out there feel free to contribute your feelings on this  :-D

Back on topic... sorry I ran it off in another direction...

Regarding cleaning parts before sending off.... for me personaly... the dirt and grime on the parts tell Me storys of what condition they, and the motor,  are in.. they talk to ya in a way...

 problems that may be hard to spot on a clean part... on a dirty one can stand up and SCREAM at you....

The dirty parts can also tell you, as a motorbuilder, issues with the customer as well...  things they could be doing wrong, that will in turn destroy your perfectly good work, causing the customer to be unhappy once again..
So the parts can tell you how to fix the customer as well as their motor..
(I am reminded of Kaw Riders recent post about the V3 reeds with the Bow in them that was run at 100:1 on castor 927)..  
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 06:20:34 PM by Motorrad »

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2011, 06:02:18 PM »
All valid points.
What can I say.... I couldn't help myself  :roll:
When I took this 99 K5 engine down I was shocked to find the original piston and clutch basket.
The plating was still good and the basket had very little wear.
All in all I am very happy with what I see.
We are using new cases, rebuilding and balancing the crank and fly wheel, some porting and exhaust valve work, head mods, plating the cylinder, and whatever else Kaw rider feels is required to scare the nuggets out of me  :-D
I can't wait.
I just have to save up a few more centavos... :cry:
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline 81cr450

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2011, 02:58:34 PM »
KAW RIDER has my jug & head now looking forward to getting some of his work back. From what everyone says it should be great.
     Seems to me we've got side tracked here from the original question of how well do you like your "beer can". I'm working on my second right now. The first was just a trial run of can I do it & how do I want to do it. This second one I'm doing with alot more parts & cash, but I'm wondering if I wouldnt have been better off just getting a newer steelie 250. I'm worried that the welding & powdercoating will brinnel & ruin the temper of the aluminum. The last one was the best bike I have ever rode & I loved it, this one should be all that & more. But back to the original question how are these holding up? There's a pic of a CR500AF floating around with it broke right in half thats giving me nightmares. How is the frame holding up for everyone? Theads from maintenance, are the vibes of the 500 cracking crap, corrosion eating that AL up, high miles & the repeated flexing just fracturing stuff? From what I've read, after starting this project, about Japan just being low on cromoly steel that caused the use of aluminum it seems I'm shooting myself in the foot just to have better forks & geometry.
    As you can see this thread does have some interest to me so what's the oppinions?
if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

& to the people I like  FYYFF

Offline Green Fiend

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2011, 01:31:48 PM »
I haven't had mine long, but I've done a lot of research on these bikes, before getting one from Service. What I found is very few reports of the frames cracking. That was one of my main concerns. If the welds are done correctly it seems to be a non issue. As far as the original question as how do I like my bike. It's unbelievable. The handling, lightweight, and the horsepower who wouldn't. I was worried it would be more of a novelty bike. Definitly not the case! They are bada**!! Well I guess you know that you said you owned one. I would be preaching to the choir. I love mine it really is a 450 eater!!
2011 Service KX500AF, 2005 KX250, 2004 KX500, 2011 YZF450, 2011 KTMSX50 Mini, 2009 ZX10R

Offline tcoop474

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2011, 04:02:53 PM »
in a thread on another site we got to comparing the cr500 and kx500 motor in the trx250r frames (as i was planning on putting a cr500 motor in my spare R frame) but something about the cr motor vibes way more then the kx i beleave someone mentioned it had a lot to do with crank on the cr not being counter balanced all that well...idk if they vibe bad in a bike frame as ive never owned a cr500 just thought since u mentioned a cr500af cracking the frame and what not that i would mention a little info i picked up after thinking about putting a cr or kx 500 motor in one of my trx250r's
86 k5 Pro Circuit Exhaust, bored .30 over all i know about it,
89 trx250r bored 68mm, Lrd exhaust, boyesen reeds, nacs graphics, k&n filter and more, currently under going complete rebuild.
87 trx250r bare frame (restoration)

Offline 81cr450

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2011, 02:14:00 PM »
They are totally awesome I just wanted some reassurance I wasnt wasting my time . I loved the last af, just with the vibes & the aluminum factor I'm concerned about longevity, I have enough into this one now I could sell before I ride & get out of it to do a steelie, but after its ridden I pretty well own it. On my frame I didnt weld or cut the Y so I should be okay structurally, & all the mount threads have steel inserts so it should be okay. Just uber paranoid I guess. Swingerarms have been aluminum for years with no issue, kinda crossed my mind awile after I posted here. Modern chassis with awesome handling really is the way to go though.

tcoop474 neither motor has a balance shaft, but the k5 is less violent , just alot smoother power delivery. Balancing the motor in either trx install would be the key.

if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

& to the people I like  FYYFF

Offline tcoop474

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #54 on: July 13, 2011, 05:39:52 PM »
thanks for clearing that up bro
86 k5 Pro Circuit Exhaust, bored .30 over all i know about it,
89 trx250r bored 68mm, Lrd exhaust, boyesen reeds, nacs graphics, k&n filter and more, currently under going complete rebuild.
87 trx250r bare frame (restoration)

Offline Hyderrat

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #55 on: March 20, 2012, 12:00:52 AM »
How's the build coming SandBlaster? Would love to see some updates!!!

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #56 on: March 20, 2012, 03:28:48 AM »
Well....... I started building the shop last year and it took all my attention and money to get it completed.
We are working on building up some more inventory so all my dough is being tied up a bit longer.
I should start working on the bike again in a few months.
I'm working on a deal for some more K5's so I should have most of the parts I need to finish the project.
I also need to break loose and go see the welder.
He came by the shop a few months ago to see what I was doing and seemed to like what he saw.
I'll get some more updates as soon as I actually do something  :-(
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline Hyderrat

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #57 on: March 20, 2012, 09:33:50 AM »
Shop upgrades are always nice! Thanks for checking in and good luck with all you are doing.


Offline sandblaster

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #58 on: July 14, 2012, 12:53:50 PM »
I finally dropped the frame off to the welder for phase 1.
It will take him a few weeks to get it done.
No hurry on my end seeing as how I've dropped the ball on this project for the last year  :|
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline jmp118

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Re: How well do you like your KX250F/K5 conversion
« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2012, 10:58:26 AM »
Hey, im a newbie to this site. But I love it! I've got an 06 KX450F frame and a 1993 KX500 I'm looking to merge together. I've just recieved my JFAB cradle pieces. I've just been cruzin the site lookin for tips on the build and i've learned alot. Was wondering what the sandblaster was gonna doin for a headstay mount. Have you got that far yet? I love the pics! ur helpin me out alot.