Today I received my Mock up engine back from the machine shop I had drill my 17MM swing arm bolt hole.
As a side note, I bolted the case halves together with a factory gasket.
I had the machine shop set the cases on the clutch side with the clutch cover off on a set of parallel blocks and then drilled it to maintain perpendicularity.
Drilling was very easy.
Before I tried to fit the engine I did a test fit with the swing arm bolt.
I had to use a rubber mallet and hit it hard to get the dadnabit thing in.
So, I wire wheeled the pin and de-burred the hole.
It was still too tight.
I grabbed my digital veneer calipers and see that the holes through the frame are 17.05MM.
I guess they were allowing for manufacturing tolerances.
Also, I put a straight edge on my pin and it was nice and straight.
Since I do not have a ream of the correct size I went to the local auto parts store and picked up a wheel cylinder ream.

After about 15 minutes of oiling and reaming it finally fits snug but can be put in by hand.
So, the results for today are as shown below:

If I was going to order another drill, I would not use the 17mm.
I would use a 43/64" as it is 0.672" or 17.06 mm.
This is only .01mm or 0.0004" larger than the holes in the frame.
Now that I see how it fits, it's time to cut some more on the frame.
I better order some frame rails soon.....