Author Topic: general kxf tips & maintenace  (Read 2804 times)

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general kxf tips & maintenace
« on: November 29, 2010, 07:54:12 AM »
Hi guys
           some general kxf tips , at this point sorry if this is old hat to anybody and boring
unitrack maintenace: i couldnt find a good grease with good waterproof and lubrication properties so i mix belray waterproof grease and rock oil shock gaurd ( lithium based ) grease together , i havnt had any wear to speak of or any failures , infact every time i strip it down to regrease i end up wondering why ive done it!
i dont wish to tell any body  how to suck eggs but make sure the lip of the seal pings back to its correct position as if it isnt  lubed up when you put the pin in it can stick back on itself letting in all the cack!
clutch cables kxf!! boy do they wear fast and always in one spot  , i find the only way is to pump GT40 ( wd40 style) through it  after every ride and turn the inner cable so it wears on the other side as well , seems to last a bit longer . In the uk you can have the inner replaced by venhill cables at a snip of the original cost , i tend to keep  a few in rotation!!

To grease or not to grease that is the question ( hamlet) weather your old school or not dont realy think if you seat the filter correctly you need grease , only attracts grit to stick around the edge begging to fall into the inlet manifold when you do a filter change.
I tend to go a bit mad on the filter cleaning and make sure there isnt a microbe of dust in the box or on the subframe rails or any area that when you pull the cacky filter out it doesnt fall inside .
ive tried most filter oils and always stuck with silkolene starts of like water and then like sticky stringy goo !
On the performance front twin air do a very good filter cage replacement that does away with the engine strangling gauze come s complete with a flame retardent filter for blow back (stops the bike bursting into flames) it also has a large flange that the filter cage sits in so no need for grease!!  realy worth checking out if you require a bit more oommpphh just remember to adjust fuel screw ( much more air goin in!!) works very well with hgs pipe and gas flow!

hope this has been informing and not boring ta jerry :wink:

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Re: general kxf tips & maintenace
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2011, 01:26:37 PM »
what was more easier to work on ? your 89 kx250 or the kxf

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Re: general kxf tips & maintenace
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 09:16:34 AM »
two stroke any day of the week!!!!!!!!!