Hello Tuck\o/.
I originally had piles of bikes on my garage floor.
Then after the kids ran through a few times, kicking parts as they passed I came to the conclusion that I had to do something different

So after a lot or trial and error I found the perfect sized plastic totes.
For a while it was easy to keep track.
Then we started getting multiple bikes of the same model.
So, we started writing the date on the totes and the model of the bike.
We have codes on our ads that tell us what date of bike the parts were sold from.
As long as nobody mixes the parts up or messes up on the date codes were golden.
It seems that once or twice a week we are left scratching our heads

Most of the time it's an easy fix.
Once in a while we are forced to give a full refund and beg for mercy

Thanks for all the good will and keep in touch.