are you having an indoor supercross track in there. thats a big shop, like it. i think i have bought from you before oem cycle on ebay rings a bell. i will be trying you first in future now i know your a KX RIDER

I wish it was that big as you can never have too much storage

I did want to build it bigger but the City wouldn't let me.
For every sq foot of storage space I have to have X amount of parking and vegetation (Really)
Then, for every sq ft of office space I have to have a greater amount of parking and vegetation.
To top that off, the city is making me recover all the water from the roof and the parking lot and run it through a system that tries to put that water back into the ground.
I have been told that they usually plug up and are a waste of time unless all the property around you does the same thing.
Otherwise their extra water runs onto your property which overloads your system.
Oh well, I guess the bureaucrats have to figure out new ways to justify their jobs which is a oxymoron if you really think about it

If you work for the city, I'm just kidding.... Not really....