I received my Ebay Radiators today. They look pretty good actually, nice polished aluminum, although I'd rather have the dull stock looking aluminum, but hey, I'm not going to complain. The left looks like it will mount right up no problems. However the middle mount on the right radiator is way off. I will have to drill a new hole. It's not bad however cause there is plenty of metal on the mount tab to drill another hole. Hopefully it won't interfere with the upper exhaust pipe mount, if so, I'll have to trim the mount tab.
Sandblaster, It appears the plastic screens should snap in O-K, i didn't snap them in fully, but I don't think the thickness of the metal tabs will be a problem. I'll let ya know when I get everything together.
I'm still waiting on lots of goodies to return, inlcluding my entire top end, so it will be a bit before I fully test these rads. Once I get everything I will take pics and create a new post for my build. I think I made a good purchase with these radiators considering how much stock radiators are. If they dont' leak and last a long time, I'll be a happy camper.