Old fuel, I drain it and dump it in my car, no issues, and it gets used up. Yeah, I'm up north and my bike is now residing comfortably in my spare bedroom. Currently doing the yearly tear down and total overhaul. Every single nut, bolt, washer, screw, spring, etc. gets examined, cleaned or replaced. Oh, yeah, I live in an apartment building with 7 other neighbors. My apt is on the second floor. When March rolls around, I roll out a brand new bike and ride it down the back flight of stairs. There are often fumes of brakekleen, carb cleaner, spraypaint, acetone, etc. eminating from my apt., sink running for hrs washing parts, bigger parts in the shower, dremel tool whining on and on. great times, keeps me busy, keeps the neighbors away. I don't have a garage, I do have a bike hauler but that has two bikes in it waiting their turn to come inside...no heat out there. My kitchen looks like a garage now, can't remember the last time I actually ate at my kitchen table/workbench. Someday I'm sure my landlord will throw me out if he ever had and inspection. ha ha ha.