Author Topic: Big Kahonies - Isle of Mann TT  (Read 1553 times)

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Offline greencannon

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Big Kahonies - Isle of Mann TT
« on: September 22, 2010, 02:52:35 PM »
It certainly takes a real man to throw a leg over a KX500. But I have to admit the racers that run the treacherous TT course at those speeds risking life and limb have very large Kahonies. Attaining  170mph plus racetrack speeds on winding public roads take amazing skill and balls of steel. I have great respect for those guys
 The HD coverage was quite thrilling to watch. anybody catch it or even race it ??

Offline Purpletj

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Re: Big Kahonies - Isle of Mann TT
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 03:21:53 PM »
Ive been watching it the last couple weeks., Its very hair raising course. I street ride myself and could never imagine running this course at those speeds.
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Offline cbmoor

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Re: Big Kahonies - Isle of Mann TT
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2010, 07:32:15 PM »
The Isle of Man TT is amazing I have been there 3 times now the last time was 2007 for the centenary where over 100,000 people went to the island to watch. It is just normal roads that they race on over the 37 miles per lap and the top racers can do over 130mph average per lap.

 The TT is held over a 2 week period with 1st week for practise and the 2nd week for the races. The amazing thing to me is how they close the roads about an hour before the use them for the practise or race so you have to get to where you want to watch in plenty of time and how quick they reopen the roads after a race and then you can drive your bike on the race course as its public roads.

 When the roads are reopen then the rules of the road applies again and speed limits are back in force but over the mountain section there are no speed limits so you can wind it open on your own bike and not worry about the blue light coming on behind you. unfortunatly every year there are a few accidents not just the racers but the riders that go there to watch as well trying to be racers but that is the way it is.

 Over the 2 weeks there is a lot you can do there is a beach race in Douglas a drag strip in Ramsay there are bike shows on over the 2 weeks and there is also the night life over the 2 weeks. I will be back again was ment to be there this year with me mates but could not get off my work. But I will be back and if you ever get a chance to go do it. I have the highest regards for the racers that do the road races the most that do it are not on factory bikes or big budgets but just normal people giving there all on closed public roads and  is it fast to see.