Took the bike from so cal to Colorado. pulled it apart, the headstay plate (that gets used to grab the 5 head studs) snapped in half. This was because the nut came loose that holds the heads stay to the frame. . . my bad. Gusset on the front engine mount was cracked, engine mount was not. . . yet. Fixed both.
Rejetted for the elevation and the bike fired up. let it warm up and then it died. swapped the plug to find it was fouled. Still would not start. Long story short, somehow (I think) the stator wires got yanked causing VERY low spark. It would bump start (after 2 trips around my brothers 4 acres) but it was running horribly. Because Im stubborn, I kept at it and smoked the rings. I now have no compression, Im just HOPING that I didn't blow any seals in the bottom end.
Brought the bike home, didn't get to ride the IMI mx track that is 3 minutes from my brothers house. replacing rings, reeds, swapping back in socal jets and will have to look at the stator to see if whatever got pulled is repairable (But fear a new ignition is in order) - Anyone have a good running 500 ignition?