After I got the bike together, I took it out for a ride. I was cautious at first, wanting the motor to break in properly.
Towards the end of our ride, I was a little disappointed in the bike. The bike ran great from the low end to mid, but fell flat on the top.
I asked around, and finally a buddy of mine, who happens to be a Kawi mechanic, told me to check to see if the valve is opening all the way.
Long story short, I tore the top end off of it.
The valves were installed close!!!
Well, my buddy did the KIPS mod that everyone raves about, and as I put it back together, I was giddy.
The bike fired right up, and it had a totally different sound to it. It sounded more crisp and throaty. A quick ride up and down the street put a perma grin on my face!
Well next weekend I will take it back out and try it again!