Author Topic: why do they think riders run......??  (Read 5131 times)

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Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2010, 04:53:15 PM »
I wont run. I need my liscense to go to work, I drive for a living. I just cant chance getting caught. Im sure I can get away but its not worth it to me. Besides all my KXs are tagged. The NJ Park Police dont even bother with us, they usually just wave! A couple of years ago I was working on my clubs enduro. We had a snowfall the week prior to the enduro and I was cruising down the side of a road on my YZ250, wheelying through the plowed snow banks when I noticed a car cruising right next to me. It was a NJ State Trooper, he was stairing at me pretty hard, I waved, he did the same and just drove off. Years before that, I was riding my old KTM 250 EXC down the road, hooking up trail sections and a local cop came up behind me, he didnt even bother with me. A tagged bike is worth its weight in gold here!
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline k5abuser

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2010, 01:40:11 PM »
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline ToomanyKaws

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2010, 04:16:46 PM »
Not sure how many times I and my friends have run from the cops on streetbikes.    Not today as much.  But a decade plus ago we seemed to do that a little too often.     Dirtbikes I been running since I got my first YZ80.   I feel they need to find something else to do more constructively than chase a dirtbike.   Broke a state troopers windshield with a KX80.    Can imagine what a K5 would do.

Offline ktmdude

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2010, 10:44:29 AM »
I learned to ride on privet logging land. It was a large trespassing fine, so the plan was no numbers on bikes and don't stop, met you back at the truck, your on your own. Nothing ever happened to us, so we can't really say how it went. A buddy got caught unloading his cr 500, the ranger told him to pack it up or it would be confiscated and not to come back. we have not been since. I was riding in southern Organ, I met up with a local ranger riding on his day off, he was the fastest rider I have ever rode with... by far! I have changed my mind about running. He seamed like he was pretty cool. he was ripping down the 10 mph fire road, and burming the side of the hill higher any other marks on the hill. After the ride I asked him if that was legal, he sad no but he never gave tickets for that type of sh#t. I'm sure that he is the exception, but I would hate to have him chasing me.