Well, after riding and racing all over the country for years, our numbers finally came up and both the boy and I are out with a couple of months with broken bones. Ben hit a wall, sixth gear pinned in the dust, and broke his right arm clean in half just below the shoulder. Pins will keep it in place until it heals. His bike hit another bike as it landed, and his body hit a third rider as gravity brought him to the ground. He's lucky. Could have been much worse. I have drilled into him to roll into a ball, and according to folks who saw the crash, that's exactly what he did.
Six days later, I crashed in the rocks (i guess big rocks and third gear don't go together. Hey, I was just hitting the tops, just like in whoops...), and scrambled my collarbone into four pieces. Imagine that, six days apart with broken bones for both of us. What are the odds. Maybe I should be purchasing lottery tickets

At a any rate, guess I'll have some time to work on a kick stand, wider foot pegs, winding a lighting coil for the KX125, cleaning the garage, watching grass grow, and generally bothering my lovely little wife. Good thing she's a good sport.
This means we miss all the fun spring riding, and five races, including the ISDE qualifier the first part of June. It will probably take me six months to get my stamina back up to be able to ride a full weekend of offroad racing. Fortunately, the last events we did were back-to-back weekend races the first of April. A thousand miles on the race van, and two race in two states. Well, at least we had fun before we had to start riding the couch...
I hate just sitting around...