Heck the worst foot injury I had wasn't near that bad. I was practicing for a two day ISDE qualifier in the trees, and got a little too close to a big stump on the rear brake side. Hit the stump with my peg, ripped the peg clean of the frame, weld and all, leaving a big hole. The peg must have hit my foot, as I had a clean cut on the inside of my boot just behind my big toe, with a cooresponding one inch cut in the side of my foot.
To get back to camp, I ziptied a big green limb to the bottom of my frame, extending it out each side under the footpeg on one side, and AS the footpeg on the other. Made it all the way back to camp, but didn't want to spend the money on stitches. Left an ugly scar. Still raced the ISDE the following weekend...with much foot pain.
I hate foot issues.